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Discuss the operators - Jäger


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This series has been re-created to facilitate the gameplay, metagame, and strategy discussion that often gets buried or lost in the abundance of others posts that flood this sub.

The goal of this series is to not only give new players a primer on an operator, but also for midlevel or competitive players a chance to share the knowledge that they have accrued in their experiences and maybe let people know something that they did not know before.

The creator of the original threads deleted them all so I am taking it upon myself to resurrect the discussions.

Today's operator is Jäger.

The community has outlined a couple of things that they want to converse about with every operator, but feel free to branch out should you feel a piece of information warrants its own discussion.

  • The operator’s primary or ideal role in the team. (DISCLAIMER: Operators can be played in a number of different ways. There is no single way to play an operator. This is probably the most subjective segment of the discussion series, and hopefully will spark debates or help us learn things we did not know before.)
  • The operator’s gadget and how it will help the team achieve its goals. Please share any tidbits you may know to help expand discussion.
  • The operator’s loadout, and how best to optimize it. This includes primaries, secondaries, and secondary gadgets.
  • What maps and game modes does this operator do well on?
  • What maps and game modes does this operator struggle with?
  • What teammates synergize well with this operator?
  • What opposing operators check or counter this operator?
  • What strategies have you adopted while playing this operator? What is something that a new player should know * when playing this operator, or what is something you know that would help a veteran player take that next step?
  • What is your overall opinion of this operator? Where would you rank them among the other operators?

i7 7700k, 16GB RAM, GEFORCE 1080, 240GB SSHD, 2TB SSD

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Jager with a 416, smartly using cameras, sound, map knowledge, and speed, is an absolute TERROR when it comes to roaming. Jager is all about flanking and good gunplay. He has high mobility/little noise so he's perfect for running around a map and quietly flanking/taking out stragglers. He's almost a must have for Secure Area/Bombs, and while not as necessary for Hostage, he still has quite a few perks that are too good to pass up.


Now his gadget is one of the most useful for the defense team. He is effectively able to stop six projectiles (each ADS is capable of shooting out two projectiles). These projectiles are anything from grenades, to EMP's, to even smoke or flashbangs. Note that you cannot pick up an ADS after it has fired a shot, so place them wisely. Typically you'll want to keep them spread out for the best effect and for enemies to have a harder time shooting all of them.


Typically Jäger will be good on any map simply due to his rifle, but his gadget alone will always make him useful. He's best at long-medium range engagements due to his armor/speed ratio, but keep in mind that when he grabs armor from Rook his stats go up to 3 armor and 3 speed (so get that armor!)

i7 7700k, 16GB RAM, GEFORCE 1080, 240GB SSHD, 2TB SSD

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  • The recoil on his rifle has that unpredictable sideways recoil that screws up some headshots.
  • Having to put down your ADS's slows you down from getting to a good spawn kill or roaming spot.
  • The lack of a nitro cell also is a negative in terms of roaming in case you run in to a team with a shield user or blackbeard.
  • The size of his big old head leads to easier headshots.


  • The option of ACOG which is great for spawn kills.
  • The range on his carbine allows you to peek attackers you otherwise would have to hold back on.
  • His speed of course.
  • There are certain objective locations on some maps where his ADS's are absolutely needed to counter Fuze. The train room at kafe, bar at oregon, bedroom and garage at club house, and plenty more.

i7 7700k, 16GB RAM, GEFORCE 1080, 240GB SSHD, 2TB SSD

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  • Little Jager pro tip. Easier with gadget deployment on toggle, but able to do even without.
  • When placing an ADS (say next to a garage door) with gadget deployment on toggle look up at about a 45 degree angle and while holding place, start to look down. Jager will reach up and place the ADS higher than if he placed it right in front of him on the wall. If done correctly it will not be destroyed by Thatcher's EMP grenade if Thatcher throws the EMP grenade at the ground behind the wall. If placed next to a garage door and above a drone hole there is a good chance it will keep his brother Bandit alive destroying grenades, smoke, and flash.
  • If its hostage never place ADS in the path of a possible grenade from the enemy team. You want them to kill the hostage, let them!

i7 7700k, 16GB RAM, GEFORCE 1080, 240GB SSHD, 2TB SSD

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