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America's Laziest Postman


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Wow. Just wow.

Side note - I am totally disgusted with fat people. I'm not talking a few pounds overweight (I'm in that category), I'm mean morbidly obese I require two seats on an airplane kind of fat slob. No excuse for that. Take your glandular excuses and get your fat ass on a walking program or something.

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For most of them there is absolutely no excuse. Period. It only takes 4 hours of exercise per week to stay in shape. Unless you have some serious handicaps that prevent you from exercise, you should not be overweight.  Sure there are a certain percentage of the population that cannot help it, but for the most part, Obesity is a product of Modern Times.  I started getting overweight myself, and when I started noticing stretch marks on my belly, it was time to take care of that shit.  A person knows when they are starting to let themselves go and they better damn well do something about it or serious health consequences will result.

Keep calm and question nothing.

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My mailman is a young man and is a douchebag. We used to have this older mailman that was golden. Now we got this dude. He rings the door bell and puts the 'We missed you' slip in the mailbox as SOON as he rings it. Then starts walking away. He doesn't wait and has no patience. So I have to run to the door if he rings it or else we have to go to the post office to pick it up.


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That's just plain lazy. She could be 100lbs and I bet she'd still do that because lazy is lazy.


To say something like "I am totally disgusted with fat people" is a pretty shitty thing to say dangle. Funny how in this day and age people let anything and everything go and how your not supposed to judge someone no matter what yet Lord forbid they are fat because that somehow gives everyone the right to be holier than thou.


Reason I say that is because as you guys know I lost 150lbs over the past 2 years, I was damn near 400lbs...and there's many reasons for that to happen. When I gained the weight is was over the course of 15 years because of some bad shit that happened in my life like losing my dad when he was only 52yrs old, losing my fiancee as well as my job and slipping into a depression and becoming an alcoholic. I was very lucky that I had the inner strength and will power to finally pull myself out of that nose dive but many people just can't overcome it.


My sister is someone that needs to lose a lot of weight so it somewhat pisses me off to hear an arrogant statement like "I'm totally disgusted with fat people". Don't judge someone till you have walked a mile in their shoes.


What I said above has nothing to do with the video though, that's just plain lazy and she should find another job.


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@Drifter - that's what I'm saying man. For most people that are overweight, they can do something about it. And you did something about it.  IT takes a lot of time, dedication, energy and personal fortitude to stick to it and kudos for that.  This woman IS pure lazy.  Which is the point. She is overweight probably by choice (laziness).  Those are the type of people that I think Dangle is disgusted with. As I am too.  We can't just give a sweeping generalization about obese people that they are ALL lazy, but you have got to agree, that this obesity situation is a product of the current age we live in, not because of some reasons beyond most of their control.

Keep calm and question nothing.

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Yes it is for sure partly a result of the age we live in, but you will also find out when you get older that the more middle age you get the harder it becomes to take weight off  as well as to change your lifestyle. Then if you factor in things such as I went through with life problems, or for some people raising a family and not having the time to exercise properly, then being overweight isn't really a "choice" any more than being an alcoholic or drug addict is a choice. Those are all things that Start off as a choice, but over time due to circumstances they shift from choice to something you absolutely hate but it's become so much a part of you that 90% of people can't change it on their own.


By no means am I defending that lazy ass woman in the video. I am simply saying to make a broad sweeping statement like Dangle did is can be very wrong for many reasons and as someone that WAS very overweight at one time myself I feel it is wrong to say anyone disgusts you simply because they are overweight.


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Drifter - I have a great deal of respect for what you have accomplished.  It's takes a big man to exercise that sense of discipline. 


However, I stand by what I said.  There is simply no excuse to be morbidly obese.  It disgusts me.  I don't discount what someone may have gone through personally - on that front I have overcome unemployment, cancer and the death of my brother who left behind a widow and 3 small kids and I didn't use any of that as an excuse to get drunk repeatedly or quench my sorrows in a tub of Ben & Jerry's every night.  You can either choose to be a victim or stand up like a man and overcome.  I don't care what someone is dealing with, there is simply no excuse for morbid obesity. 


I would also add that you would be hard pressed to find a runner that struggles with  depression.  Exercise is a great anecdote when feeling down (I'm not talking about clinical depression here, but you get my drift).  I love going out for a run to clear my head.  The endorphins work wonders for the blues. 

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Guess we'll agree to disagree and I'll leave it at that because I think you have a pretty piss poor attitude IMO.Not everyone deals with things on the same time table, that's what makes each of us different.  To say you don't see how anyone could be obese is one thing, I can understand you saying that, but to say it "disgusts you"...that's pretty fuckin lame of you IMO. As I said my sister has fought being pretty overweight her entire life and she can't do any exercise because she has two bad knees and can't afford to get them taken care of because she has kids to provide for, so I guess if you saw her she would disgust you. Whatever dude, stand by what you said and I'll stand by my opinion of your self righteous ass. I'm done with this thread.


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Ya know, I actually not only left this thread the other day without looking back, but the site as well. Not that this thread made me leave, but I'm kind'a in the midst of "thinning down" all my internet and social media stuff is all. Because I am sick of this "tech life" and don't care to keep feeding it. Anyway...


  today I had computer issues and after coming back here I started talkin to Dave, then seeing you actually had the respect to not even Not

reply after I posted Dangle, and the fact you didn't reply after what I said to you, that really made me actually respect you a bit more to be honest....I feel the need to come back here and apologize to you. I still don't like what you said, but ya know we all think/feel different about stuff so I wont hold that against you and hope you wont hold anything against me ;)


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Wow, I've bypassed this thread, but saw that Steve posted so decided to check in. Dangle's post would have torqued me up pretty hard. But then I remind myself that "normals" as I call them, really can't even begin to grasp addiction. They just can't.


Granted, not everyone who is morbidly obese is addicted to food, but I'd guess that the majority are, or they're addicted to something else that has calories, like alcohol. In which case, the solution is not as simple as man-up and get your shit together.


Dangle is good dude

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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Drifter - I need to apologize for being an ass. Sorry bro. I've been busy with work and family and when I came back to read some things I felt a little stupid. I'm pretty thick skinned and didn't think twice about your criticism until tonight. My posts above are a little heavy-handed.

Furthermore, I think we all need to treat others with more kindness than we initially feel inclined to share. I'll give you an example. I attend church with a lady who is single and has a couple of kids. She always seemed a little needy to me and had welfare needs, help paying bills etc. then I found out her family situation and felt like a jerk. Apparently her ex-husband had abused the kids and was in prison and she moved to get away from the situation. I think you would agree she deserves all the help and consideration she can get.

I guess the point is we don't know what issues people are dealing with and should exercise some restraint in passing judgment or withholding a kind word or deed that may benefit them.

What can I say man - I am a work in progress I guess.

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