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Built this today for the garden

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I'm not much of a wood worker, being a former 20yr welder wood is not really my forte, but I have been wanting to build something for out in the bonsai garden and decided to build this today. It's somewhat of a raised flowerbed/arbor type deal I guess is the best way to describe it. The center pole I made so I can switch my bonsai trees on it when I desire (right now it has a Japanese maple on it) then around it I planted some annuals. Came out pretty decent for a non wood working guy and only $60 and 6 hours invested.


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Thats pretty money to get that built in only 6 hours.  I would love to find some time to build a seating area in my backyard, but my world is pretty much on lockdown from morning to sunset with the minions.  I'd do anything to get a week all to myself so I can do stuff like this.

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Thanks. Here's some other pics of the whole garden now. Been working in the bonsai garden a lot this year. Been four years I've been building it up and it's finally coming together nicely this year. Still some to do but a nice relaxing spot now.


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