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Elemental Damage made easy(ish)... not really


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All damage in Warframe has a ‘Type’.

The physical types are:





Weapons, abilities, etc. can and usually do inflict multiple types of damage.

For example:

Karak rifle (Impact: 21.1, Puncture: 8.1, Slash 6.8)

Paris bow (Impact: 9, Puncture: 144, Slash: 27)

Skana sword (Impact: 5.25, Puncture: 5.25, Slash: 24.5)


There are also elemental damage types that could be intrinsic to an attack or applied via mods.






Applying elemental damage mods to a weapon does not alter the existing damage types, it adds an additional type.

For example:

Karak rifle with max rank Cryo Rounds mod (Impact: 21.1, Puncture: 8.1, Slash 6.8, Cold: 32.4)


Got it? Good, because shit’s about to crazy.


You can combine multiple elements to create a combined element.


Electric + Toxin = Corrosive

Cold + Heat = Blast


Going back to our Karak example:

Karak + max Stormbringer (Impact: 21.1, Puncture: 8.1, Slash 6.8, Electric: 32.4)

Karak + max Infected Clip (Impact: 21.1, Puncture: 8.1, Slash 6.8, Toxin: 32.4)

Karak + Stormbringer + Infected Clip (Impact: 21.1, Puncture: 8.1, Slash 6.8, Corrosive: 64.8)


Let’s keep on going

Karak + Stormbringer + Infected Clip + Cryo Rounds (Impact: 21.1, Puncture: 8.1, Slash 6.8, Corrosive: 64.8, Cold: 32.4)


Note that combinations are formed in the order pairs are encountered from left to right.

Karak + Stormbringer + Infected Clip + Cryo Rounds  + Hellfire (Impact: 21.1, Puncture: 8.1, Slash 6.8, Corrosive: 64.8, Blast: 64.8)


Mods that increase base damage, like Serration, will increase the damage of all elemental mods as well.

Karak + Serration (+100%) + Stormbringer + Infected Clip + Cryo Rounds  + Hellfire (Impact: 42.2, Puncture: 16.2, Slash 13.6, Corrosive: 129.6, Blast: 129.6)


The combined elements are:

Cold + Electricity = Magnetic

Cold + Heat = Blast

Cold + Toxin = Viral

Electricity + Heat = Radiation

Electricity + Toxin = Corrosive

Heat + Toxin = Gas


Different defenses can be neutral, resistant, or vulnerable to different damage types.


Here’s a summary of what’s best to use versus the different enemy types:

  • Grineer: Puncture, Cold, Heat, Toxin, Corrosive, Radiation, Viral
  • Corpus: Impact, Cold, Electricity, Magnetic, Viral
  • Infested: Slash, Heat, Corrosive, Gas
Corrupted (Void) are special, because corrupted are made up of all the enemy types, so require specific combinations:

Impact + Viral

Puncture + Magnetic

Slash + Corrosive + Cold


None of this is necessary to play and have fun, but if you want to succeed at the highest level, you need to invoke the most powerful weapon in all of Warframe: knowledge.


If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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