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Christian Taylor shooting


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I gave a high level overview of why I like Carson in the Trump thread I think.  He's probably the only guy up there who most people could honestly say they trust.  All these other guys are politicians and narcissists.  We'll see about the specifics on policy, there's not a ton of info out yet on any candidate, or at least it's not being discussed much because Trump is taking all the air our of the room

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I gave a high level overview of why I like Carson in the Trump thread I think.  He's probably the only guy up there who most people could honestly say they trust.  All these other guys are politicians and narcissists.  We'll see about the specifics on policy, there's not a ton of info out yet on any candidate, or at least it's not being discussed much because Trump is taking all the air our of the room


I trust Bernie Sanders. 


In the GOP: I think Carly Fiornia (sp), has some intersting opinions, as well as Jim Webb and John Kasich


Everyone ESLE is a clone.


and I swear to god, Chris Christie needs to shut his fat fucking face about how Weed causes people to lose self control. Dude weighs about 350 on a good day


EDIT: a word

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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I thought this was an interesting read.  To me, it shows how politicians can use whatever statistics they want to frame whatever conversation they want.  Thats not surprising, and certainly not new.  But kinda makes you wonder if any of the stuff he talks about has any real validity or if its just talking points and convenient rhetoric.




He seems like a guy who really believes what he says, but like most from the far left when it comes to economics it doesn't matter if you believe in unicorns.  

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You lost me with "Libertatian Republic" .com


hell, I would have taken "Info Wars" over that and at least tried to have a discussion.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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I've never even heard of that site before, I just read what was there and followed the links and there were plenty of good points made.  My point was that you can make the numbers say whatever you want.  All politicians do it.  If you prefer to take Bernie's word for it then so be it.  He's popular because he says populist things that resonate.  I don't see the facts lining up.


Either way the dude will never be president so it doesn't really matter

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I imagine spectre as a dude forever in a state of anticipation, waiting for the moment to scream to the world he was right.  That may be months, years, decades from now or never of course.  Rest assured that if SHTF, it wouldn't matter why SHTF, he would claim victory.

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I imagine spectre as a dude forever in a state of anticipation, waiting for the moment to scream to the world he was right.  That may be months, years, decades from now or never of course.  Rest assured that if SHTF, it wouldn't matter why SHTF, he would claim victory.

You are not wrong at all in this.


He and I had a ton of private talks when I was still on the OTC forums. Which was also before his meltdown here.


His problem was that he got addicted to the news cycle. When the news keeps telling you that shit is on fire, and you keep hearing it over and over again, you start to believe it. 


He started basing his identity around that shit, so whenever we would point out the flaws in his arguments, he took it as a personal attack, because to him, we were undermining his identity/ self worth/ ego.


I had the same issue, and still somewhat do. I have to read everything, and dig out the facts. This is where he and I differed. He took it all at face value, I take it all as a lie until other sources can back it up. (Hell, if my wife tells me its sunny out, I immediately check the weather station to make sure it isn't raining)


The dude is cracked, and its a shame he can't see how cracked or how to fix it; but there is a great lesson in there.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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I imagine spectre as a dude forever in a state of anticipation, waiting for the moment to scream to the world he was right.  That may be months, years, decades from now or never of course.  Rest assured that if SHTF, it wouldn't matter why SHTF, he would claim victory.


tbh i worry about him.  you know how that VA shooter described himself as being "a human powder keg for a while?"  guess who that reminded me of.




I had the same issue, and still somewhat do. I have to read everything, and dig out the facts. This is where he and I differed. He took it all at face value, I take it all as a lie until other sources can back it up. (Hell, if my wife tells me its sunny out, I immediately check the weather station to make sure it isn't raining)



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You are not wrong at all in this.


He and I had a ton of private talks when I was still on the OTC forums. Which was also before his meltdown here.


His problem was that he got addicted to the news cycle. When the news keeps telling you that shit is on fire, and you keep hearing it over and over again, you start to believe it. 


He started basing his identity around that shit, so whenever we would point out the flaws in his arguments, he took it as a personal attack, because to him, we were undermining his identity/ self worth/ ego.


I had the same issue, and still somewhat do. I have to read everything, and dig out the facts. This is where he and I differed. He took it all at face value, I take it all as a lie until other sources can back it up. (Hell, if my wife tells me its sunny out, I immediately check the weather station to make sure it isn't raining)


The dude is cracked, and its a shame he can't see how cracked or how to fix it; but there is a great lesson in there.


Sometimes its easier to solve pretend problems than address real problems.  You never have to deal with the consequences because there are no unintended consequences or penalties associate with pretend problems.  The guys with 55 gallon drums of beans in their basement and on the edge of bankruptcy...

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