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Here's my monitor.



When I get the chance I'll post my monitor for you guys. I can always buy a new motherboard with those capabilities so we can get these tests going. I remember my monitor doesn't have hdmi that's why I wanna show you guys so I can buy the right thing.


That monitor doesn't have an hdmi port?  It looks like a nice monitor.  That's crazy if it doesn't.  Did you mean your mobo doesn't have a hdmi port?  What about a DVI port?  




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Looking at the picture of your motherboard, it looks like it has a VGA port, that blue port.  Isn't that an old school monitor port?  Maybe you could get a cord for that to hook it up to your monitor (if your monitor has a VGA port), or buy a cheap used on at a pawn shop to test it out.    




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Yeah, that D-Sub is the same thing as a VGA I believe... you should be able to use that to hook it up to your motherboard.  Your motherboard has that same port, right?  It looks like it in the picture.  




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Looked for D-Sub on the newegg site that Bart linked with the motherboard and didn't see anything like that. 

Look at the back of your PC, and see if you see a blue port that looks like the D-sub/VGA.  Looking at the picture on Newegg that Bart linked, that port on the far left looks like a VGA to me.  




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I think that's it.  See if it fits.  If it fits, you should be able to shut down your PC, take our your graphics card, then turn it on.  If your CPU has an oboard graphics card like mine, which I think it does, then you should be able to run things w/o your graphics card.  Probably not at max settings or anything, but it will work.  You can see if the screen tearing is due to your card.  If it does, then we can start the process of getting it replaced.  


I'm not sure about the hard drive issues man, I suck w/ hard drives.  I'd post something on Tom's Hardware forum if no one can help you.  




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The one you've never used, that fits your monitor, doesn't fit that bluish green plug on your PC? It looks like it will. The one you've been using is white, right? It's a DVI. Try just using the blue cord you haven't used yet, plug it into that blue/green plug on your PC.




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The one you've never used, that fits your monitor, doesn't fit that bluish green plug on your PC? It looks like it will. The one you've been using is white, right? It's a DVI. Try just using the blue cord you haven't used yet, plug it into that blue/green plug on your PC.

Nope doesn't fit :/


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The blue port you have is a COMs port (serial IO). 


Your MB does not have integrated Video unfortunately


Yea, this


Said it earlier in the thread lol

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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The blue port you have is a COMs port (serial IO). 


Your MB does not have integrated Video unfortunately


Yea, this


Said it earlier in the thread lol


My bad.  I should have read the previous posts instead of just skimming through and looking at pictures, lol.




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Do you guys think that my hard drive problems are totally separate from the potential video card problems? I can't really do much for the video card until Friday. But I was wondering if there was anything I could do in regards to the hard drive until then?


So my goals for this week is to install the cheap GPU on Friday and see if that solves any problems. If so, we will have to call the manufacturer correct? To check potential warranties? Then I want to send the cheap GPU back before I go on vacation.


Installation, update you guys on if it improved or not (get input), and to call if the GPU is the problem. Then send back cheap GPU. Sounds like some good reachable goals this week.


Then when I get back from vacation i'll go from there.


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I can't imagine the HDD issues being related to the video card issues. Seems like two different things going on. Other than googling the shit out of that message/error, I don't know where to even start with the hard drive.

Let me know if I need to call about the GPU.

Sounds like a plan, man.




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I would re-install the drivers for the card, DirectX and perhaps the media player for windows.


I believe you issue in a video/graphics configuration/driver issue.


Do you have a lot of data on you disk? Do you have the windows install disk? When my system was having problems (due to malware) I just re-installed windows. 


You will need to download some drivers before you do that. Mostly the internet ones. 


That could be you last resort

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