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This makes me sad


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I hadn't seen this until now, so many sections of the world locked out, so many changes.




I really hope they get their shit together. I want to meet Crow and play his storyline dammit

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Much of what attracted me to Destiny was the passion and awe with which the developers spoke of it, sadly, the final product reeks of decisions made to satisfy the constraints of the balance sheet rather than constraints of the imagination. Which, I completely understand, it's a business, just don't expect me to give you any more money. Therein lies the irony, by saying balance sheets be damned, we're going to make the game we envision, I think they've would've stood to make more money over the long run. *shrugs* Short-term thinking pervades the modern business world.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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living, social world... WTF crack are they smoking??? something had to have happened mid production for us to end up with such an unfinished product... Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love playing the game with my clan buddies, and I am sticking with it for the long haul, but I am still quite a bit dissapointed with the overall experience they promised and never delivered... where are my "open world" and "go anywhere" maps they promised? where is my trade system they mentioned in a few early trailers? what the hell were they thinking on this dismal and small storage vault I am stuck with? why can't I reforge my favorite weapons and armor to grow with me as I progress instead of having to wear the same ugly crap to be max level as everyone else??? what happened to me "becoming legend" what happened to that cool destiny app they show with us communicating to each other, etc... imho activision fucked us all being involved in this project, and seeing the cliff cod went off of because of them, I am thinking we might suffer the same fate with Destiny... Don't worry, I am still going to play it exclusively... I can't help myself...I just hope things get fixed, and they actually start listening to their fans/gamers, and make the changes needed...




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something had to have happened mid production for us to end up with such an unfinished product... 


The head writer for Bungie left/ got fired right after these videos were made.


Actually, if you have time, this thread on reddit explains what happened damn near perfectly




Partial quote from the Reddit thread:


So recently a Reddit thread came to light detailing what Destiny's narrative looked like in 2013, and it's very different from the ailing excuse for a story we're presented with today: the Traveler bringing the darkness, Crow, different progression through planets and even considerable cut areas. So it becomes apparent that between mid to late 2013 and launch, Bungie gutted the story. Now this is where it gets good, something else happened back in late 2013 before the story was gutted; Joe Staten, Bungie's former lead writer left. Some may think it coincidence, but I think not.


Now the Reddit thread (which has mysteriously disappeared) outlined a story sprawling across a considerably larger solar system, and including a number of characters and factions who never so much as appear in the full game. The prime example of this is Crow, the character/faction who was set out to expose the Traveler and Speaker for in fact bringing the darkness along with the Traveler, and not the Golden Age. A specific reference to Crow can be found in the above video at 1:01, where a mission would have you assist Crow in looting the Archive on venus for details on the Vex Gatelord (which is in fact a mission we end up doing in the main game, but Crow is clearly not a part of it). The Gatelord was said to contain a way to access a pre-Collapse AI construct who had the ability to expose the Traveler, and we can see this in the form of the inaccessible Bunker RAS2.


Even in the PvP, we see a reference to "faction wars" at 1:20 in the video, so it appears that justification and explanation for the different factions in the tower was cut as well.


Destiny's current half assed story starts to make a little more sense when we apply the context that the entire narrative was gutted less than a year before launch, and remade without Bungie's lead writer. Why Joe left, and why Bungie felt the need to completely gut the story of the game and cut huge areas is beyond me, but it's abundantly obvious that there's a lot more going on than meets the eye.


Its honestly a great piece to read, including the links in the thread, about the entire progression of Destiny. Also I have to say that I will buy pretty much any game Joe Staten writes for. I didn't realize how much impact he had on the worlds he helped create

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Gah, reading all that was depressing.


Sorry man


On the plus side, it gave me some great ideas for some side projects I am working on!

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Just some more side writing. Nothing that I will get paid for, unless I get off my ass and self publish it.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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The head writer for Bungie left/ got fired right after these videos were made.


Actually, if you have time, this thread on reddit explains what happened damn near perfectly




good read... thanks for the info...






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