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How the hell does one teamfight? Just played a game mid as Ryze, had a Volibear jungler who ganked for me great, I was up 2-0 the Sivir I was laning against by 10 minutes. However, as soon as we began teamfighting, our team fell apart and I ended 3-8 with a loss. I don't understand what to do in 5v5 situations, and it is so goddamn frustrating.

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How the hell does one teamfight? Just played a game mid as Ryze, had a Volibear jungler who ganked for me great, I was up 2-0 the Sivir I was laning against by 10 minutes. However, as soon as we began teamfighting, our team fell apart and I ended 3-8 with a loss. I don't understand what to do in 5v5 situations, and it is so goddamn frustrating.


It is hard to explain in words but it is something that you naturally learn over time. Positioning and role in a teamfight is key, you need to know what will be the best for your team. Either being the ADC and keeping distance from the enemies, being a tank who peels for the ADC, an Assassin who comes in from the side to kill a key damage dealer, a tank to disrupt the backline etc.


There are many jobs you have to do and many ideas to learn like this and more such as target priority. A lot of teams go for the easy kill by focussing the support but that isn't going to help you, you want to kill the damage dealers first such as the ADC, the others may seem like a problem but once their threats are gone they are just a giant sponge with no real damage.


Also, in your situation, you've got to work to snowball when you are ahead. Don't just be content with having a few kills over the champion you're laning against. Capitalise on your advantage; roam the map searching for kills or towers, take objectives such as dragons or bait the enemy team into fighting you at dragon when you know your team has the advantage.

Kia Ora. 

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Team fighting to me completely relies on communication.  Playing with randoms and only using pings... it's damn near impossible to consistently do well in team fights.  The best games I've been involved in with team fights have always been when we had multiple people using a third party chat program.  We need to get groups of us playing together and using team speak.  I think by verbalizing what we're trying to do will help a ton.  Eventually we will just mesh together and do our job w/o needing to discuss it as much.  


I like what Kiwi said about going after the biggest threat first, not the weakest enemy.  It makes sense.  You would be wasting all of your abilities/spells/mana/etc. on the weaker enemies, then you'll have nothing left to go after the real threat.  Once the damage dealers are gone, then the rest will either scatter or fall.  I need to work on that.  I've always pinged the easiest target first.  Thanks Kiwi.  




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Well as Ryze specifically you're an AP carry pretty much. You sit in the back and poke. Land your stuns, your ults. Be aware of the map. If you don't have wards up, it's even more of a negative. You see 2 people pushing bot, no eyes on 3 of the other team, you don't push up mid to the inhib turret, you're pretty much begging to get ganked. It depends on what's going on and your playstyle, and like the others have said, practice.

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I'm really struggling with Jax.  I do great in 1 v 1 fights, but I'm struggling in team fights.  I melt like butter.  What build(s) would you guys recommend for him?  I would like to be able to use him Top as well as Jungle.  I don't know which way to build since he's split AD/AP.  I've been buying the recommended items, but it's just not doing it.  Help, please.




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