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Zombie apocalypse averted in my back yard


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I bought my son a steel zombie target for his birthday last month.  Its AR-500 steel and is rated for rifle rounds, so it should last forever with a .22.  Unfortunately, he doesn't get to shoot his .22 much since we can't get to my rural property as often as I'd like.  To rectify this, I bought a pump up bb gun (Pumpmaster 760) for the dual purposes of letting him shoot in town and for me to kill rabbits in the garden.


Today I set him up with the zombie target and a cardboard box backstop and let him to go town.  I'd move the zombie around between shots and he had to navigate to his tree house, then defend it.  We did two rounds and he had a blast.  He's ready to do more but I've got to get ready for work.


I'm going to get a few more zombie targets for him for Christmas.


Heh, kids are fun.

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