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League of Legends - Getting Started


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Played my first 2 solo/duo provisional ranked matches last night.  Won 1, Lost 1.  Played Ziggs both games.  Won my lane both games, but the first game our top got wrecked.  Played both games with H3iman, they were his first 2 provisional games as well.  




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I'm assuming you have to be a level 30 in order to do that? I does not seem to be available to me  (at level 24).

Get on my level noob.  Yeah, you have to be 30 to play Ranked Matches.  You have to play 10 provisional games to be placed into a league (bronze, silver, gold, diamond, etc.).  


Right now I've got myself and H3iman in the Destruction Inc. clan.  I dropped Cassidy and his friend because they never play with us.  No hard feelings, just is what it is.  We need a few more guys to hit 30.  




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Well it's not like I never play. Send Riot a memo and tell them to Increase my XP and to stop being hacked so I can connect to the game :)


You're level 20 something, right?  Never... ever, play easy bots again.  Only play Intermidiate bots and regular PvP if you want decent XP. 




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I've been playing int bot lately. They are more challenging and therefore the games run much longer. If you get a weak team it can be pretty brutal. I had a game go over 1 hour where people were still farming after an hour. 1 person had 0 kills and assists yet over 300 minion kills.

So I am not sure if I accumulate XP faster than playing easy where a game lasts about 20 minutes.

I'll keep playing int for since it's more challenging and see.

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Nice! For reference I won 6/10 and got put in Silver II, my friend won 5/10 and was put in Silver IV :)

Thanks.   :)  I'm off to a good start, just have to keep it up.  

The game last night was crazy.  I thought for sure we were going to lose at a couple of points in the game, but we had a good team that wouldn't quit.  It was a very nice come back.  I was playing Support w/ Taric and Heiman was ADC w/ Sivir.    We were against Leona and Caitlyn.  


I've been playing int bot lately. They are more challenging and therefore the games run much longer. If you get a weak team it can be pretty brutal. I had a game go over 1 hour where people were still farming after an hour. 1 person had 0 kills and assists yet over 300 minion kills. So I am not sure if I accumulate XP faster than playing easy where a game lasts about 20 minutes. I'll keep playing int for since it's more challenging and see.


To be honest man, I wish I would have quit playing bots altogether and started playing PvP more.  It's more fun.  Playing bots becomes very predictable and it can hinder you later when playing against real people.  But, with that being said, I'd stick with Int. Bots over Easy Bots at your level.  That's crazy you had a game go over an hour in bots, lol.  That must have been one horrible team!  I don't think I've had many go over 25-30 minutes.  It seems like there are usually pretty decent players in Int. Bots that can push the lane and end the game quick, so your hour game seems like the exception, not the norm.  


What lane/roles have you been playing lately?  




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Been J4 and Warwick Jungle. WW isn't that great but I enjoy playing with him

Soraka and Nami support Morgana mid I've given up on Ziggs, I just can't get the hang of him


Need to try Olaf Jung. Apparently he is quite good but I think he is a higher skilled champ


Might also try Taric

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Taric is an easy support to play.  Give him a go.  Build tanky.  Use a 0-21-9 Mastery w/ Armor Runes.  


Giving up on Ziggs? lol  He's a very good Champion.  He's worth learning mid.  What aspect(s) of him is troubling?  




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Nothing troubling about it, I'm just dam ineffective with him. I'm much better with Morgana or Corki mid.  I don't think I position my shots well. Also Zigg seems to fuck me up a lot with his abilities compared to Morgana (which I like a lot). W/E are opposite for me in terms of effectiveness so I find myself often screwing up what I wanted to do. 

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I've had a lot of success when I  end up using him to support my team mates. 


Throw the flag to increase everyones attack speed, Golden Aegis to increase your shield and slow the enemy champs, then lance to decrease their armor (doesn't matter so much if you miss the combo). If the fight is going well Catalism. 


I've gotten huge assists scores doing that. I don't seem to get many kills with him but the team does well. 


I also build him with huge health to stay alive and engage

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I seem to carry ranked games by jungling Vi. She's such a solid champion, and she can basically close any gap. Shyvana is also my other go-to jungler.


And I agree with Tommy, don't give up on Ziggs. If you can stick through and learn him, he is by far one of the most dominant mid laners in the game.

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Well...all my IRl friends play Lol, most of you guys also play it, I think it's time I gave this game a real try. I absolutely hate the click to move, prefer wasd keys for my mobas but I'm gunna give it an honest attempt.


I'll use your sign up Tommy for the refer-a-friend stuff.

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Well...all my IRl friends play Lol, most of you guys also play it, I think it's time I gave this game a real try. I absolutely hate the click to move, prefer wasd keys for my mobas but I'm gunna give it an honest attempt.


I'll use your sign up Tommy for the refer-a-friend stuff.

Awesome.  Be sure to post up your Summoner name when you sign up.  :) 




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Yeah cyber, thanks I didn't know that! The auto aim auto attack is nice, no need to aim or anything, makes it easier to get going in games. So far I've been enjoying Warwick and Ziggs, Ziggs nukes like crazy and Warwick just lifesteals for days and won't die. Only against bots so far though haha.


Summoner name is    The Trevinator      


Is Yorick any good? he looks pretty cool with all his summons.

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Ahh I thought he would be more fun, still haven't decided who to save up for first, just using the free champs for now.


Some strong early champs to consider:


Top: Garen

Mid: Annie & Ryze 

Bot: Ashe 


They're all very cheap and solid champs.  You can't go wrong with them.  


But yeah, sticking with free champs for a while is a good way to go.  




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