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Posts posted by Chookes

  1. On 14/04/2018 at 1:48 AM, TigerBurge said:

    Bees and I were just talking about you yesterday. Hope all is well my friend. 


    All is well my man, hope everything is good with both of you.


    On 14/04/2018 at 2:32 PM, Plumbers Crack said:

    LOL, miss you too - pay the bill quickly and get back online! :P


    I wish it was bill issues, twats forgot to connect my house and refused to demolish the road to fix the issue <_<

  2. Yep yep, I'm not exactly a new member but it's felt like I've been away so long it's time for a new intro. I feel like I've been so busy and so lazy the last while that gaming/forums have been put on the back burner which means that I haven't spoken to a few of you in a long time.


    Things are starting to settle now. I've been working for a while to get a promotion which I got in April and my wife is currently 15 weeks pregnant. All going well November will be a busy month for me (hoping baby won't affect my KD in the new World War 2 COD <_<). I currently don't play too much. I enjoy Rainbow 6 and Battlefield (but gun only game modes, no tank shit). I do not enjoy Overwatch which sucks mega balls and, even though I'm a COD fan, no one will Infinite Warfare with me (not necessarily a bad thing, I know it's not very good). 


    I'm looking forward to Destiny 2 (and taking out a second mortgage out to keep up with it's expansion packs) and the new COD. Hoping those two games will get me more involved.


    Speak soon. Cheers.

  3. I'm in a minority likely but I can't wait for it. I like the idea of having two different style CODs to play. I understand why we couldn't have a "boots on the ground" COD this year so having this as an option is an ok compromise. £70 for both? I don't think the value is too bad.

    My main hope is Search and Destroy in COD4 will be as good as I remember it. I love slower, more tactical SnD games. Be good please!

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