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    cyberninja2601 got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Microsoft to buy Activision Blizzard?   
    I guess will see this week what happens. It's being reported that the just Activision just might withdraw from the UK market and press ahead with the deal (as I said). The EU and others have approved the deal. 
    MS is meeting with the UK chancellor. They already said we can withdraw from the UK or we can just go ahead and we will see you in court. Either one would seem to tell the CMA to "suck it".
  2. Like
    cyberninja2601 got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Microsoft to buy Activision Blizzard?   
    I guess will see this week what happens. It's being reported that the just Activision just might withdraw from the UK market and press ahead with the deal (as I said). The EU and others have approved the deal. 
    MS is meeting with the UK chancellor. They already said we can withdraw from the UK or we can just go ahead and we will see you in court. Either one would seem to tell the CMA to "suck it".
  3. Like
    cyberninja2601 got a reaction from James in Microsoft to buy Activision Blizzard?   
    I guess will see this week what happens. It's being reported that the just Activision just might withdraw from the UK market and press ahead with the deal (as I said). The EU and others have approved the deal. 
    MS is meeting with the UK chancellor. They already said we can withdraw from the UK or we can just go ahead and we will see you in court. Either one would seem to tell the CMA to "suck it".
  4. Like
    cyberninja2601 got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Call of Duty - Modern Warfare 3 (2023)   
    Just give me some more DMZ stuff and I'll be happy. I just play MP when new guns come out in order to unlock then I go back in the DMZ. 
    It's an outstanding mode. Unfortunately it does not seem to resonate with this group. The new mid-season is tons of fun. It's really a mini raid. Building 21 and the other 2 maps are great. 
    A lot of people have complained about P2W.  The only thing I would say is a true advantage is the 15 minutes weapon cool down with two of the best weapons for the mode. 
  5. Like
    cyberninja2601 got a reaction from James in Call of Duty - Modern Warfare 3 (2023)   
    Just give me some more DMZ stuff and I'll be happy. I just play MP when new guns come out in order to unlock then I go back in the DMZ. 
    It's an outstanding mode. Unfortunately it does not seem to resonate with this group. The new mid-season is tons of fun. It's really a mini raid. Building 21 and the other 2 maps are great. 
    A lot of people have complained about P2W.  The only thing I would say is a true advantage is the 15 minutes weapon cool down with two of the best weapons for the mode. 
  6. Like
    cyberninja2601 got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Call of Duty - Modern Warfare 3 (2023)   
    Just give me some more DMZ stuff and I'll be happy. I just play MP when new guns come out in order to unlock then I go back in the DMZ. 
    It's an outstanding mode. Unfortunately it does not seem to resonate with this group. The new mid-season is tons of fun. It's really a mini raid. Building 21 and the other 2 maps are great. 
    A lot of people have complained about P2W.  The only thing I would say is a true advantage is the 15 minutes weapon cool down with two of the best weapons for the mode. 
  7. Like
    cyberninja2601 got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Microsoft to buy Activision Blizzard?   
    According to their revenue report the UK is 4.86B GBP which is about $6B USD. The profits are 168m GBP
    Microsoft is a $198B dollar so the UK is about 3% of the revenue
    Activision Gross profits were about  $5.3B last year which is more than  $5B  that of the UK profits
    So I agree that the UK could tell them they cannot operate in the UK if they don't play ball. However it seems to me that MS should just tell the UK to suck it and they will go ahead without them. The Activision profits are almost the UK revenue so it would not be a lost of revenue for them. 
    Then they can tell the UK to go find a substitute for MS Office, Outlook, teams, cloud .....  and wish them well in their future endevor
    Maybe have a tea party in the Boston harbor for good measures 
  8. Like
    cyberninja2601 got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Microsoft to buy Activision Blizzard?   
    I don't quite understand. The UK population is like 67 Million. How can the UK prevent a merger with two USA based companies?
    I don't see why Microsoft simply doesn't tell the UK to suck it and don't buy our stuff if you don't like it.  Then tell them to go run Linux and google docs and see how long that lasts 
  9. Like
    cyberninja2601 got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Microsoft to buy Activision Blizzard?   
    There is no money to be made in selling gaming platforms. XBOX sales at a loss. The margins are shit. With regards to the devs, once they are part of MS they become part of the bigger picture and $.13 cuts is not an issue for the MS group. They will be recognized based on gaming revenue. Just like I get recognized for datacenter revenues at Intel but work on probably less than 5% of the product offering and have absolutely zero to do with the CPU business. That's how these massive companies work. Intel is $78 Billion. My paycheck is based on Intel achieving better than $78 Billion this year. People don't count each of our products and brake it down, I suspect MS will do the same. They won't care how much Skyrim or COD puts into the business. They will care on how profitable the gaming business is. If a game isn't they likely will more people around and put them on the next project. The job market is extremely competitive these days. I don't for a minute believe that the developers won't end up ahead with this deal
  10. Like
    cyberninja2601 got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Microsoft to buy Activision Blizzard?   
    "Centralizing game like this could reduce output Quality"? , How do you see the quality being any worse than it already is? BF/COD are amongst the largest franchises and have completely screwed the pooch and have been ridiculed for their quality (lack their of). People love to hate MS, but they do have quality standards as well as employment guidelines. I am hoping to see some improvement
  11. Like
    cyberninja2601 got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Microsoft to buy Activision Blizzard?   
    I believe this is to increase their GamePass and cloud gaming.  A lot of people are working on making consoles disappear so having a solid porfolio is Key. They have Bethesda, EA, Activision now. I can forsee them having various tiers for the subscriptions and getting a constant revenue stream by not charging for the games and charging for in game content. Companies were already making a shitload of money that way. The $69 for the game is not what companies are after these days. 
    I have their gamePass and generally speaking I am happy with it. All the games are older games but I don't give a shit. Most of them are fun to play. Been playing Doom, Battlefield, Skyrim, Oblivion all for an extra $4 on top of the gold membership. Most of the time I am playing off my laptop on the cloud. Much better experience than Vanguard or 2042 has to offer
  12. Like
    cyberninja2601 got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in DMZ Tips Thread   
    I believe so. We capture case at 10 times since the season began (always on the train). Never go any reward for doing so. There are 7 rewards in total. The last one being the Kronig skin
  13. Thanks
    cyberninja2601 got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in DMZ Tips Thread   
    I believe so. We capture case at 10 times since the season began (always on the train). Never go any reward for doing so. There are 7 rewards in total. The last one being the Kronig skin
  14. Like
    cyberninja2601 got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in DMZ Tips Thread   
    Which is why all this pay to win stuff does not bother me. It's pretty easy to get all all pimped out operator for free. People are putting their stuff in the scavenger backpack. And the scavenger backpack in the secure backpack (or large backpack if you want to extract an extra gun). 
    The med backpack with 15 minute LMG cooldown seems of very little value
  15. Like
    cyberninja2601 got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in DMZ Tips Thread   
    Which is why all this pay to win stuff does not bother me. It's pretty easy to get all all pimped out operator for free. People are putting their stuff in the scavenger backpack. And the scavenger backpack in the secure backpack (or large backpack if you want to extract an extra gun). 
    The med backpack with 15 minute LMG cooldown seems of very little value
  16. Like
    cyberninja2601 got a reaction from James in DMZ Tips Thread   
    Which is why all this pay to win stuff does not bother me. It's pretty easy to get all all pimped out operator for free. People are putting their stuff in the scavenger backpack. And the scavenger backpack in the secure backpack (or large backpack if you want to extract an extra gun). 
    The med backpack with 15 minute LMG cooldown seems of very little value
  17. Like
    cyberninja2601 got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in MW2 (2022) - Season 3 Roadmap   
    Agreed. It was the same for me
  18. Like
    cyberninja2601 got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in MW2 (2022) - Season 3 Roadmap   
    The event going allows you to get the M13B for those of you that didn't in DMZ or buy the bundle 
    I believe it's 150 Tokens which isn't too hard
  19. Like
    cyberninja2601 got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in MW2 (2022) - Season 3 Roadmap   
    Don't like the two new maps? Why not? 
    I find the night one annoying because I go in with iron sights and I still have to canter with the laser rather than aim.  I like the Rohan part of it because I am familiar with the map due to DMZ
    the light house one is meh. But the only mode that ever comes up for me is hardpoint which I don't particularly like. Might feel differently if it was DOM or TDM
  20. Like
    cyberninja2601 got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in MW2 (2022) - Season 3 Roadmap   
  21. Like
    cyberninja2601 got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in DMZ Season 3   
    I don't personally care about the boosts. I like the idea of the self-res for solo players also
    At this point I know the places to go to in order to get a mid or large backpack or a 3 plate. The barter system makes it easy to get stuff which is better than that any ways.  
    It seems that you can only get one of the boosts per operator so it isn't that OP. Me and my friends with sniper rifles should be able to take care of it. 
    I can get better stuff in 5 minutes of play time so I really don't care. This gives entry level or marginal players an entry point which I am ok with.  It also give me the opportunity to kill operators which have a higher probability of having self-res, med packs, and 2-3 plate vests early in game. 
    Since season 3 all of my operators have been rocking 3 plates with large or scavenger BP with a Self res and some kill streak or another. I wasn't able to do that in season 2 as easily.  I already killed the scavenger, Chemist and got the weapon's cases a number of time. This really isn't pay to win since not one has stood in my way and I didn't buy it
  22. Like
    cyberninja2601 got a reaction from Tove in MW2 (2022) - Season 3 Roadmap   
    Looking forward to the DMZ updates and plunder which I also like
    The sniper riffle will be a nice addition.
    the light house is a partial remake of the estate map from what I read. I always liked that map so that's fine with me. It will be a good map for thermal optics
    The $40 battle pass I am not going to do. I see no value in that. The 2500 COD points are not going to make up for it and I hardly ever use skins or camos anyways. 
    Will see how it plays. 
  23. Like
    cyberninja2601 got a reaction from Tove in MW2 (2022) - Season 3 Roadmap   
    What's the problem? The regular BP is still 1100 COD points and will get you the majority of the items. It still give you 1400 CP if you do the whole thing (from what I believe I read)
    The black cell  more expensive. I don't know what it will cost in Canada. But it gives you  1100 + 1400 CP  (which is less than the price for sure) and a bunch of skins and crap that you don't need if you don't want it. 
    So what's the shitty move exactly? If you don't want the stuff. don't pay for it. There is nothing in there that you need in order to be able to play. I won't be getting it. If people feel strongly about it, don't by the passes and they will quickly change course to get our money
  24. Like
    cyberninja2601 got a reaction from Tove in MW2 (2022) - Season 3 Roadmap   
    Season 1 got extended about a month because they decided to do a number of fixes to appease the community. It ended Feb 15. 
  25. Like
    cyberninja2601 got a reaction from Tove in MW2 (2022) - Season 3 Roadmap   
    That's not unique to this however. There are some bundles that are cash only and give you some CP if you purchase them. The desert rogue bundle for example is like that. $19.99
    Some of the "starter packs" are the same
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