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    Dattebayo reacted to JsinOwl in Am I playing Mass Effect wrong?   
    I'm back...
    Here's some advice, do with it as you will.
    There are a shit-ton of short (non-combat) missions available on the Citadel. You should complete ALL of these. It's an easy way to boost your level and get more upgrade points to spend. Along the same lines, once you start exploring the galaxy (and assuming you're not averse to a little grinding) thoroughly explore each planet you land on, explore all planets and asteroid belts. You're looking for Matriarch writings, minerals, Turian insignias and League of One medallions. Every time you find one nets you XP, and finding 'x' amount of them completes an assignment which gives you another XP bump. These are things you can do without actually fighting. Also, explore every room and make sure to find all the available loot. Hacking containers is easy XP.
    Don't invest in Pistols or Shotguns. Funnel points into Assault Rifle and Sniper Rifle training. Pistols are pointless in comparison and shotguns are best left to classes with high levels of the Barrier and Immunity powers.
    Don't invest in FIrst Aid, leave that to your squad members, only one person on the squad needs to have the ability for everyone to get the benefit.
    As Datte said, you want eventually max out either your Charm or Intimidate, not both.
    The first things you should upgrade are:
    Assault Rifles to Rank 8 (unlocks Snipers and Advanced Overkill)
    Sniper Rifles to Rank 3 (unlocks Assassination)
    Combat Armor to Rank 7 (unlocks Heavy Armor)
    Assault Training to Rank 3 (unlocks Adrenaline Burst and Fitness)
    FItness to Rank 4 (unlocks Immunity)
    Either Charm or Intimidate
    Horde everything you find and sell what you don't need.
    Buy the Spectre Master Gear Assault Rifle as soon as you can, either from the shop in C-Sec or the dude on the Normandy.
    In addition to pumping up First Aid in one of your squad mates, make sure you have someone with a high Decryption score with you at all times. This will allow you to hack into all the various locked containers you'll come across.
    SPAM YOUR POWERS. Bring up the power wheel to stop the action and use those powers. You should be using overkill whenever it's available, use shield boost as soon as your shields go down, use Immunity whenever it's available. And when something is recharging but you need to use it, use Adrenaline burst. Use those powers!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Make liberal use of cover. Soldiers do not charge into battle. Take advantage of your powerful weapons by attacking from cover and from a distance.
    When in the Mako, get used to using its 'hop' ability to jump missiles.
    If you explore a lot and do all the side missions, you'll find the game gets radically easier as you go. By the end you'll be an unstoppable steamroller of destruction.
  2. Like
    Dattebayo got a reaction from Racist Giraffe in Hey!   
    You may need an offering of 10 goats and/or a Liverpool FC jersey.
  3. Like
    Dattebayo reacted to Hulydooly in Supernatural   
    Supernatural has to be one of my favourite shows.
    Can't wait to see what happens in the next season with all the fallen angels.
  4. Like
    Dattebayo reacted to spectre in Supernatural   
    well damn, guess it wasn't as great as usual.
    Maybe this will make up for it

  5. Like
    Dattebayo got a reaction from Racist Giraffe in Out of Context   
    /This is why puncuation is a must, everybody.
  6. Like
    Dattebayo got a reaction from FullMetalPikmin in Am I playing Mass Effect wrong?   
    You cant really run and gun in this game, its a bit more tactical.
    It doesnt help that the UI is a bit confusing to understand. x)
    Once you find out your class, we can help you from there.
    /Dont worry, its alot more streamlined in ME2 and 3. xD
  7. Like
    Dattebayo got a reaction from Hulydooly in R.I.P Howie   
    She was one curious cat!
    It sounds like she was quite the adventurer.
    Reading about you holding you cat walking down the street...a little too much for me. :'(
    I feel for you, man. Im sorry for your loss.
    If you ever want to talk, anyone here is gladly available.
    /like, literally anyone.
    //atleast the dogs got their commupence
  8. Like
    Dattebayo got a reaction from Cassidy in Hey   
    You're blowing it, Tiger

  9. Like
    Dattebayo got a reaction from Racist Giraffe in Hey!   
    For every sad bee story, there is this:

  10. Like
    Dattebayo reacted to deterioration in Random Pictures   
    ^ F that!


  11. Like
    Dattebayo got a reaction from TigerBurge in Out of Context   
    /This is why puncuation is a must, everybody.
  12. Like
    Dattebayo got a reaction from Jason in Out of Context   
    /This is why puncuation is a must, everybody.
  13. Like
    Dattebayo got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in Out of Context   
    /This is why puncuation is a must, everybody.
  14. Like
    Dattebayo reacted to Docwagon in Bronies   
    My point very much was that MLP is not over sexualized.  Hell, I went and watched an episode just to see for myself.  Its as sexed up as the Smurfs or Fraggle Rock, as in 0%.  The fact that a certain subset of fans makes porn out of it doesn't make everyone who likes it a deviant, and CERTAINLY doesn't mean the official show is over sexualized.  Welcome to the Internet, people make porn out of everything.
    Hell, I'm going to google Cars porn right now.  They are freaking cars, and I bet there's porn out there.  Ok, NSA, if you ever wanted a Google search to blackmail me with, here it is.
    Ok, wow, don't do that.  Googling 'cars porn' reveals a picture of a dude with his dick in a tail pipe.  Not a drawing, a real photo.  Changing it to 'disney cars porn' does in fact reveal "fan art" that is porn.
    Which is why I asked, which is sexualized, Datte's nose art drawing or the "official" cheetara pick you posted.  Why this incredibly wrought conversation about a totally asexual cartoon that's fetishized by some at the expense of its other fans? 
    Now, let's all forget that I googled Cars porn and not put this in the out of context thread.  Dicks.
  15. Like
    Dattebayo reacted to deterioration in Bronies   
    Pony porn.
  16. Like
    Dattebayo reacted to Dockter in Bronies   
    I've seen some pretty good family guy stuff around..
    I've never seen the it but if it's your thing more power to you. Live and let live. With all the wierd shit out there I've never seen why Bronies are such a big deal and get so much hate.
  17. Like
    Dattebayo reacted to Docwagon in Bronies   
    So...apparently the anti-pony crowd seems to rely heavily on believing its tied to sexual perversion?  
    I love cartoons.  Not just the "made for adult" cartoons, but shows like Recess, Phineas and Ferb, Spongebob, etc.  I watched Recess when I first got out of the Army and didn't even have kids.  I was a very angry person at the time.  It was a bright spot in my day.  If the pony thing gives that to someone else, who cares?
    They try to force it on you?  Holy shit I hope you never meet a sports fan who's team is finally winning and how everyone else is just jumping on the damned bandwagon, not REAL fans like them.
  18. Like
    Dattebayo reacted to JsinOwl in Bronies   
    It's like the Tim Tebow phenomenon, people resent him because he's "in your face" with his religion, despite the fact that by all accounts he's genuinely a really, really good dude. How fucked up is that. You see, the problem isn't with Tim Tebow, the resentment comes from the insecurities of the people who hate him. I submit that most (very deliberate choice of the word most, i.e., not _all_) people who really have a hair across their ass for bronies, do so out of resentment. They resent that someone else has something that they're really into, resent that someone is part of a sub-culture that they know nothing about, resent that someone has this special thing that makes them happy.
    On the part of the bronies, they probably have a tendency to be overly enthusiastic as a defense mechanism for liking a "little girls" show. But that's really kind of irrelevant. Whether or not they're 'in your face with it', this is the internet, don't read their posts.
  19. Like
    Dattebayo got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in Bronies   
    The best and only sufficient explaination I can think of is this:
    It appeals to the kid in me.
    Yes, Im only 19. But I had to grow up fast.
    Something about this show (whether it be the humor, or the animation, or the characters or the ability to go to extreme levels of "D'aww" without ever becoming cringeworthy) makes me feel happy and content.
    Everyone has an inner child they like to indulge with cartoons and video games, me liking this show is no different (no matter the packaging).
    Atleast I think they have an inner child.
    /God, I hope they have an inner child.
  20. Like
    Dattebayo got a reaction from Diddums in Bronies   
    The best and only sufficient explaination I can think of is this:
    It appeals to the kid in me.
    Yes, Im only 19. But I had to grow up fast.
    Something about this show (whether it be the humor, or the animation, or the characters or the ability to go to extreme levels of "D'aww" without ever becoming cringeworthy) makes me feel happy and content.
    Everyone has an inner child they like to indulge with cartoons and video games, me liking this show is no different (no matter the packaging).
    Atleast I think they have an inner child.
    /God, I hope they have an inner child.
  21. Like
    Dattebayo reacted to deterioration in Bronies   
    ^ You're the only person I've come in contact with thats openly a Jabronie and you've never pushed it on me. I've never really been annoyed with people suggesting something or letting me know how much they like it. I’m the type of dude that will learn about it just so I know what I’m talking about when I make fun of you something fierce.
  22. Like
    Dattebayo reacted to tronic44 in Bronies   
    After some of the videos i've seen on the internet, i think Bronies are perfectly normal!
  23. Like
    Dattebayo reacted to BoroVC in Bronies   
    What channel is this thing on in the UK anyone? I gotta check it out.
    Everyone needs to get off the Bronies backs, they aint hurting anyone, who cares?
    ^This post right hurr. lol
  24. Like
    Dattebayo reacted to Docwagon in Bronies   
    That's kind of what I was thinking.  Trekkies, DnD geeks at GenCon, those guys who wear cheese on their heads and paint their obese bodies for a football game, etc. etc.  Why all the angst about this as some oddball sub-culture?
    C'mon people, go judge people based on race, religion, and sexual orientation like a normal asshole.
  25. Like
    Dattebayo reacted to deterioration in Bronies   
    The new TMNT game is kind of crap but I'm still trying to beat it...
    People care because they're intrinsically fucking assholes. I thought that would be clear to anyone who's ever traveled the internet. Like the westboro baptist church idiots. God Hates Bronies
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