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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/24/2014 in all areas

  1. I'm with Bees on this one. MW2 was the best CoD ever and Ghosts is right behind it. -The scorestreak mechanic was great, but all it did was reward players who already played the objective. Black Ops 2 didn't have more or less killwhores or objective players than any other CoD, and neither does Ghosts. People play like they've always played. (Side note: in my experience Battlefield players aren't much better than trying to win than CoD players) -Maps are much better and more varied than BO2. -Connections are obviously much better. -Create a class is improved. I didn't care for the Pick 10 system, but Ghosts nails it with the wealth of perks available. I can build my guy however I want without being penalized for attachments or more perks from the same tier. -Create a soldier is a big improvement on the prestige system. You get to start from scratch and try new things without losing everything you worked so hard for. Plus you get lots of classes. -Hardpoint sucked 6v6 and HQ was my least favorite mode, so it's fine by me that they're gone. Also I was on the fence whether 2 round Dom was an improvement so I don't care that they switched it back.
    3 points
  2. Hey Jonny you sound a little like me I'm ok when I get to know people but quiet otherwise, when I joined the clan I never said shit and Kyle scared me lol, however as I got to know them its much better now.....kyle still scares me tho
    3 points
  3. No change there then, Kyle? I still play Ghosts coz pf the players, I am bored to the back teeth with the maps now, the wait for the first DLC is too long. I agree with James comment about the next CoD having to look over it's shoulder BF4 is a bitch at first, and very frustrating, but the more you play , the more you understand and I like very much the fact that YOU can choose where to respawn either at a fixed point or on a squad mate, you're not just dumped in by the game engine. One tip:- avoid flying in a helicopter piloted by Glen!
    3 points
  4. BO2 for me was a great game, they just got all the aspects of create a class, challenges, games modes, etc etc spot on. If IW had just copied that and done new maps I would have been happy But instead they junked all that progress. They seemed to get connection right, but missed the ball on the easy stuff It actually felt like the game was made by people who had never played BO2, and I expect the people who make CoD to be as much into CoD as I was, so it just felt lazy and a backward step And so lacking ambition. Lets make 1 tree fall down as a levolution moment. 1 tree, whilst on the same hardware other designers are dropping whole skyscrapers. Lazy complacent out of touch.
    3 points
  5. Chris sums it up pretty good. But my biggest issue is the people that play it.
    3 points
  6. Chookes

    Top Gear Chernobyl

    I loved the alfa peace, the 6 wheeled G-Wagon, the Caterham but they need to stop with the stuff that isn't funny. Ie the pizza and the table cloth. I just find that they're still trying too hard. 90% of the show was brilliant. Jack Whiteall was good fun.
    3 points
  7. Right, the problem with I find with trying to give advice with things like this are how one direction that works for one could be a disaster for someone else. Here's what I did anyway... I went to university. I didn't know what I wanted to do when I left school and university seemed the easy choice. I did 4 years and walked away with an Honours Degree in Computer Science. There was no jobs out there for me when I left. None. They all wanted experience and everyone mentions that catch 22, how can you get experience if no one wants to give you a chance in the first place? I went home and got a job in a call centre just to keep me going. Within a month I was moved to a team lead role and I stayed there for 1 and half years. I then got an interview to for a programming job in a large bank in Scotland. I got that and I've been working there for just over 2 years (and enjoying it). University worked out for me because it did give me that degree that helped me get an interview but it gave me a lot more. I was incredibly shy at 18 and had very little confidence. Uni was where I felt that all change and I'm feeling the benefits of that experience more now than the 4 years of knowledge they tried to stuff down my throat. I don't think I would have as good a job just now had I left school at 18 and did a trade (most people I know go in to a trade). But that's just me. I hated actually going to uni, I skived and I'm surprised I passed but it helped me so much. I don't envy you. I hated that decision and in hindsight, I think I made the right decision. Scotland helps you take that uni risk because, unlike England, it doesn't charge you ridiculous fees. You can take a chance on it, and most do. I know a lot who have tried and failed in the first year and it's not a huge issue. They weren't interested so they wasted a year (and may have learned some life lessons and not ended up with a ridiculous fee at the end). I guess my point is, because I think I'm rambling a bit, is that my story is pretty irrelevant to you and one of the hardest choices you'll ever have to make. If you don't want to go to uni, don't. If you want to go in to marketing, try and find an apprenticeship. Look for open college courses. E-mail companies and ask them what they look for in candidates and any recommendations they might have for you. You seemed to have a good attitude. I know plenty of people who didn't even want to face up to this, or went to uni because their parents wanted them too, or where quite happy to sponge of their parents. Your attitude puts you a step ahead of a lot of people your age. Good luck with what you decide to do, loads of people on here will have better advice than me.
    2 points
  8. Sennex

    BF4 Complaint Thread

    Not sure why, the server browser is more fun than Ghosts. Not to mention you could just skip it and do the quick join. That has never failed at joining me to a game. Honestly, this should really be the Whining/ Complaint thread, and most of this stuff is really minor pet peeves that irritate us with a few really legitimate complaints.
    2 points
  9. Jonny, I see you on all the time. I have no problem if you want to game, even without a mic. I know you're a good player and you would definitely be better than 98% of the randoms I get. I really do hope that the next installment brings everyone back!!!
    2 points
  10. Yes the lack of a practise mode is an omission, and makes that learning curve that much steeper. I definitely had times when I considered jacking it in but I persevered and now think its a great game. It has it's flaws, and it can be bewildering trying to make a difference on something like Conquest. If you try it again I'm sure plenty of us will be happy to answer your questions and help out Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
    2 points
  11. I just got burned out on FPS multiplayer in general. Little things have changed, but it's still the same basic gameplay and same shit community as when I started with the original Modern Warfare.
    2 points
  12. Battlefield 4 is a tough learning curve indeed. It's a very different game than that of Call of Duty and I can see how some people may struggle to adapt or just simply not get into the game. It is definitely not a pick up a play type title. I've been playing Battlefield since the first game (1942) well over a decade ago and even I struggle today. Best thing to do is play with a bunch of friends, have fun and you'll soon pick up the general gist and how to go about matches. All eyes will be on Sledgehammer and the next Call of Duty soon. They will be looking over their shoulder at the likes of Battlefield and the prospect of Titanfall and with this being their first game; they will know what is expected of them. Ghosts may have proved unpopular for the dedicated community but it's not the end of Call of Duty and perhaps Ghosts being crap for many and the prospect of two major titles as competition; it may give the franchise a welcome kick up the backside.
    2 points
  13. Too me there is a big difference. Yes, people camp in BF4 too, especially with a sniper. But not as much as on COD imo. And I even have some issues with TTK/hit detection but still enjoy it more. I get bored real fast on COD as it`s very repetative. As mentioned, it takes hell of a lot more skill to kill with snipers, so QS doesn`t exist. A camper in a house? Bring the house down on him. I adjusted by stop playing it.
    2 points
  14. Man where do I start I have always been a a CoD fan boy. Been playing it since CoD 3. Up until recently I still had all of them. Ghosts is a huge step backwards from BO2. I enjoyed BO2 more than any other CoD to date. Ghosts started out great. Really liked some of the new stuff but it turns out it's still the same old shit. The maps are some of the worse ever. Not one map comes to mind that I enjoy playing. All of the BO maps played differently. These are the worse core maps of any CoD game ever. They have ruined what was my favorite game mode by catering to fucking kill whoring pussies in Kill Confirmed. The ruined Dom by doing the same thing. I was a damn good Dom player in all other installments but there isn't a point in it in this game. Every fucking game mode is TDM. They DO NOT reward people for playing the fucking objective. Infinity Ward has proven to me that they don't listen to the people who play the game. That they want to cater to certain players and say fuck you to the other ones. A lot of YouTubers hate this game. You can see it in their videos and hear it in their coms. If BO2 had the connection that Ghosts had it would of been a damn near perfect game. Then again 3Arc listens to the community. I couldn't wait to get a ps4 and play CoD with you guys the I've talked to for years now but I can't play thus game. I've tried. I don't enjoy it at all. Solo or in a party it makes me want to smash my head into a wall. Battlefield is a totally different experience. It's very challenging at times but you can fuck off in it too. There is so much to do in it. Every game mode is different. NOT TDM. Sniping takes serious skill. Not some skill and a lot of luck. Sorry if I was rambling but that's how I feel. Plus I've been at work all night and am ready to go to sleep.
    2 points
  15. Since the last patch things definitely hasn't been as smooth. Trouble finding matches,rubber banding in game. Game won't get past loadind screen sometimes. Spawning in without my unlockes. Very frusttating. So I put Ghosts in,first time in over a month. I'll deal with the bullshit in BF before I ever play that piece of shit again.
    2 points
  16. Dattebayo

    Job/Life? Advice

    Can't really help Jordie, but I feel your pain. There are a few connected folks here, and most of them in the UK area, hopefully they can help.
    1 point
  17. A top secret ESO Beta stream that got Bro Team banned from Twitch (apparently, you're not supposed to stream this game yet or something). Enjoy it! It looks pretty...bland. Good enough for the subscription? you decide.
    1 point
  18. At this rate, it'll be a relatively nice and easy 300 by the time I can get one in 2016. Maybe less, Microsoft? ;o
    1 point
  19. Dattebayo

    Random Pictures

    Good 'ol 'Murica will help him.
    1 point
  20. I understand where you`re coming from regarding BF. I bought BF3 and gave up after 9 hours of gameplay. That`s why I was unsure to get BF4. Yeah, the lurning curve is steep, but I play TDM and DOM still as I don`t have a clue on Conquest It actually feels alot like COD as the maps are smaller but with less bullshit. And another good thing: You can play with EU peeps and vice versa and it`s still very playable I started playing FPS in the middle of MW2 myself, but am bored like hell with it.
    1 point
  21. Madjonny

    My strap ons

    We'll I'm weird... Not looked at much on here for a few days and first thing hat caches my eye is "my strap ons" I'm ashamed!
    1 point
  22. Bees if you ever want to play Battlefield we can get into a empty lobby and go over things. I've told you before I have no problem helping you out. I will still play CoD just not happily. Oh Bob why just why
    1 point
  23. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2014-02-24-dean-hall-to-leave-bohemia-and-step-down-as-leader-of-dayz It shouldn't impact the drive toward beta if Dean Hall does stick with it till the end of this year. But the fact that he mentions Day Z is a flawed concept and implies that his vision for the game cannot be achieved after 1.5m people have bought in to the early build of his own game is discouraging to say the least.
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. I don't get to game on anything at the moment but when i do it's mostly cod, great games on Saturday dude! We're pretty much unstoppable during the morning sessions! I prefer cod to bf but that's just because i prefer the pace of cod, don't get me wrong, bf is an amazing game and i love playing it but cod is my ting. In fact i've missed making comms so much i'm going to plug my ps3 back in at some point and make some more, until they remove the HDCP on the ps4
    1 point
  26. - no faith in IW games after the shitty state they ABANDONED MW2 - the hype about MW3 being good, yet they didnt properly reward objective play, and the god awful rewind/lag comp, combined with fucking awful spawns and bland maps ( was hella fun when we had full parties.....euan , kyle, sean, tam, bees, hector, etc dropping MOABS like they were going out of fashion) - BLOPS2 promised to get rid of the bad things from mw3, but yet again the connection was a pile of utter shite, parties couldnt connect properly, LIGHTNING STRIKES..... - IW " ghosts is gunna be amazing honest !"....sorry, im not parting with my cash. finally bees, i thnk the biggest thing is the transition from old to next gen. I cant afford a ps4, and there was no way im spending £100 on two games, one of which i'll likely not get to play with many people (ghosts). bf4 was the better option in terms of lifetime for me, plus i wasnt going to risk getting ghosts. if i had a ps4 given to me, i'd probably have gotten both.
    1 point
  27. Not at all Bob. Reason being, the learning curve. There is no where to learn the game and all that it offers. Having never played any of the Battlefield games, I have no idea how or what anything is in the game. If it wasn't for Chris, I wouldn't have known how to even sign up for Battlelog. With this being said, I will give Battlefield another try, simply because I miss gaming with everyone. However, I will suck and bitch and complain the whole time. Not to mention, I'll ask a bunch of questions. This does not mean that I won't still play COD. Maybe it's because I didn't start playing CoD until the middle of MW2, that the game hasn't gotten boring for me yet. Again, I didn't want this to be a game war. I just wanted to know why no one plays this anymore.
    1 point
  28. Corner camps can't camp if you destroy all the walls around them, that's a big difference. I don't think there is any camping spot in BF4 anywhere near that room above the shop in war hawk. Kyle maybe you gave up on BF 4 too soon, its a hell of a learning curve, did you put much time into it?
    1 point
  29. Jason

    Proud Moments

    Play metro or operation cluster fuck Conquest, find groups of 15 people trying to get through 1 doorway, throw a few med packs down. Profit. I probably got 10 ribbons in one match doing that.
    1 point
  30. I definitely get what you say about the CoD community being a bunch of douches but in my brief experience with BF4, there wasn't much difference. People still sat in the corner waiting for you to run by, snipers everywhere spawn camping, etc. I get the part about the scorestreaks. I loved that about BO2. Do I miss it? Yeah. Does it make me not want to play? No. You just have to adjust. I guess that's the point I'm trying to get at. Why not change your strategy? As for the game changing by knocking over a tree or opening up a couple doors, that really does nothing for me. The few times I played BF4, I destroyed a shit ton of buildings and other shit but that didn't do anything for me either. It wasn't like it changed the game in any manner. Maybe I just haven't played it long enough but it didn't really make me think that BF4 was light ages ahead in the technology department.
    1 point
  31. Baabcat

    Proud Moments

    If you think the medikit challenge is tough wait til you go for engineer expert and recon expert.
    1 point
  32. Won`t argue there, allthough I`m not sure if the community was at it`s best with BO2. The game just made it a bit harder to be a douche most of the time. I feel the community has gotten worse with every installement.
    1 point
  33. I love COD but Ghosts felt like a major letdown that didn't live up to expectations for me. It also took a gigantic step backwards in some respects in relation to the direction the franchise was moving in. The PC release was also absolutely terrible in terms of support and functions. Firstly, IW removed the scorestreak aspect of the game which is ludicrous. Black Ops 2 allowed players to earn points and killstreaks by playing the objective which meant even weak players had a chance to score. The games flowed better and killwhores weren't as rife. Modes like KC and DOM on Ghosts have been ruined by this u-turn as players just farming kills and not bothering with the objectives as they add nothing to the killstreak ladder. The quality of matches just seemed to diminish for me. This is a fatal mistake right off the bat. The maps were also beyond abysmal in terms of size, spawn locations and just general dreary layouts. There were no memorable ones that I used to look forward playing and I used to cringe when the likes of Siege or Chasm appeared on the rotation. 'Dynamic maps' LOL; a lamppost falling over does not wow me in the slightest. Embarrassing by today's lofty expectations and side by side with other titles. There was also nothing unique or new. Create a soldier is just create a class with hats and coats and many perks are just what we've seen before but cunningly renamed. There was no theater mode or detailed combat record either. Popular modes such as HQ and Hardpoint which were very important for the spirit of competitive gameplay were strangely omitted despite IW initially 'championing' this part of the series. The 'new next gen engine' is not new and is not next gen. Don't let them pull the wool over your eyes. Titanfall is actually an older game and has the best engine in a videgame I have ever seen. Absolutely flawless. They should really take note as Respawn (The REAL Infinity Ward) have created an absolute genre-changing piece of technology. This is true next gen quality. Treyarch may get some stick but they are in-tune with the communities desires and expectations. They listen and deliver innovation on a large scale. They may not be technically fluent in their releases but the games they offer are of another quality. The new IW just don't have the know-how in taking the game forward and they can't seem to capture the brilliance of past games. I am very disappointed that I didn't warm to Ghosts. I was looking forward to experiencing this over the duration but after 5 weeks; I had seen it all. Around 30,000 people were playing this on PC to start with and then on my last day; there were 2,200 with a steady 95,000 on a broken BF4. The game and the community just felt soulless and I had to depart.
    1 point
  34. He'd go faster if he wasn't holding a fucking flag
    1 point
  35. Drifter


    I'm a big Liam Neeson fan and I've liked all his movies every since Next of Kin back in the 80's. His latest one coming out looks to be another good one!
    1 point
  36. deterioration


    Don't know if you got a chance to see the 60 minutes interview they had with Neeson last night explaining the loss of his wife and talking about his grief. It was powerful in the way it opened up dialog about loss and peoples experiences with grief in the comments on their FB page. You can read them here: https://www.facebook.com/60minutes What aired: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/liam-neeson-on-natasha-richardson-death-and-hollywood-success/ Companion piece: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/liam-neeson-anderson-cooper-on-living-with-grief/ Also you take away how humble he is. When asked about standing to make 50 million from Taken 3 he laughed like he can’t even believe it. Great actor and person from what is portrayed in this interview. Can't wait to see Nonstop!
    1 point
  37. TigerBurge

    Hello everyone

    And bitch and complain
    1 point
  38. I picked all of these up this weekend. Ended up being $17 and change.
    1 point
  39. J4MES OX4D

    Top Gear Chernobyl

    I've always liked the TG humour but when it gets ludicrously stupid I don't find it all that funny. I'm just waiting for the P1 v Porsche face-off and hopefully they'll have a massive challenge before the end of the series like the Vietnam or USA road trip.
    1 point
  40. L_C_Scipio

    Proud Moments

    I know I'd be on that other team lol.
    1 point
  41. Far Cry 3 £3.74 Far Cry Blood Dragon £4.07 Far Cry 2 £2.49 Far Cry £1.74 Sleeping Dogs £3.74
    1 point
  42. Dattebayo

    Random Pictures

    Trying to ruin my childhood, eh? Well I'll see your pic and raise you:
    1 point
  43. Dattebayo

    The Beard Thread

    Tell your wife that your beard feels the same about her.
    1 point
  44. I loved the lead introduction to this car with the bikes and then the NO! check this out. It's probably not as tough as they made it look with no traction control. The way it was being driven previous to the Stig reminded me of an infomercial where easy tasks are made to look impossible EG. It still has ABS so your limiting power on, fighting against the weight of the car, feathering the throttle, being on the gas and the breaks at the same time in and out of turns and hard breaking in a straight line. It didn't look like any throttle control was being used they just pounded on it and threw their hands up as it being undrivable. I'd take a whack at it It was a great episode. EDIT: Also didn't they touch on the flooding in the UK and boast that they had already solved it with the Hovervan? I will admit the Hovervan segment made me pee myself a little laughing. Epic stuff.
    1 point
  45. Now don't shoot me or anything... But I hate AC/DC. I know they're in the hall of fame and everything, but I can't wrap my head around why everyone thinks "AC/DC" when they hear "great singers". Their singers sounded like they had strep. The worst thing? AC/DC always comes on when I'm taking a dump or am in the shower, so I have to sit through their songs (and they play them very often.) To give them credit, Hells Bells is a good song, not as teeth-itch-causing as the rest of their portfolio. And to be honest, the singing is my only gripe.
    1 point
  46. techno


    First I'm seeing of this looks good!
    1 point
  47. Diddums


    Oh boy, that looks excellent! I really enjoy Neeson.
    1 point
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