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    OTC Mike


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/2014 in all areas

  1. So, I had a pretty awesome experience with the good ol' interweb this weekend, in spite of a pretty terrible reason, that I thought I might share. Now, first thing I need to say that I really don't use internet for anything other than gaming, this forum and browsing YouTube and Facebook. I know some of you are members of other forums (gaming or otherwise) and have heard of some great experiences, but never really cared to use the internet in any other way than I currently due. So with that said, here goes. On Saturday morning my wife's grandfather passed away. He was 91, had dementia and was in poor health due to being 91 and having dementia, so his passing was no real surprise, and is looked upon as a good thing in our family, as the last few months have been hard on him. He's also a WWII Marine Vet. And as some of you know I'm also a Marine Vet, so while shoveling my driveway Saturday afternoon I thought I would pay my respects the only way I knew I could, and that was by wearing my Dress Blue uniform to his funeral. The only problem is that I don't own one anymore. So, I needed some and I needed some fast. Getting a full set of dress blues sized correctly with all medals and ribbons mounted in 3 days is about as easy as your wife getting ready to go out to dinner in 3 minutes. I did some google searching for some local military surplus stores, but nobody had what I needed. Feeling pretty bad, I tried one more search...And found a full set, brand new, with all the works (blues have tons of buttons, belt and accessories) on eBay. But their shipping policy wouldn't get it here on time. So I messaged the poster... And he's where the story gets good. He messaged me right back with his phone number and I gave him a call. I explained the situation to him. He told me he would take it off ebay and ship it overnight from California that night and I could just pay him through paypal. I was kinda nervous about that, but he had a positive rating of 99.5% with over 400 items sold, and is a former Marine himself, so I took my chances and went for it. We exchanged a few texts and I checked the fedex tracking number this morning and the package will show up this afternoon. Well, I also need my ribbons and medals mounted, which is still no easy task in a short timeframe. Well, as it turns out, the guy who sold me the dress blues, knows another former Marine in Arizona who does just that. He passed along this other guys contact info, and a couple of calls later I’ve got a full set of medals and ribbons on the way. So in short, I was able to get something done that seemed impossible. A full set of dress blues while being nowhere remotely close to anyplace that sells it, from 2 guys who I never met, but who were both former Marines who did everything they possibly could to help out a fellow devil dog. All so I could wear a uniform for 3 hours.
    11 points
  2. Can I be added to the list please now that I am a proud owner of a PS4 PSN name is, yes you guessed it! uberwarrior Origin ID is TheKingofBedRock
    4 points
  3. yeah but the weight of being a virgin forever hangs heavy...
    3 points
  4. Sennex


    This is why Dave and I go together like a Hand in a glove
    2 points
  5. lmao, yup, that' was awesome though damn
    2 points
  6. Diddums


    So on Rogue Transmission there is that radar thing which floats above the dish. We were losing, and naturally half our team were sitting on that thing sniping like little bitches. Now on that thing there's one point which is decent cover, so that's where these morons had put their spawn beacon. You can see that point here, it's the little black area on the white dome: Naturally, me being me, I first try and swap teams to shoot these fuckers, but apparently you can't swap teams any more. Swap squads into theirs (literally 4 players on that thing) and spawn at their beacon. Troll mode engaged. First I get the same dude killed 4 times, and he still doesn't say a word, he just continues his little camping party. Then whilst chasing him around the dome, I sussed out that if I stood in a particular spot, I could lock these guys in and they couldn't move. Woop woop, first three I've got there for about three minutes, them just jumping around like the idiots they were, when eventually the fourth guy pegged. He spawns at the beacon, now I've got my whole team trapped. Of course number 4 was an admin so he punted me from his server Ah well, t'was fun. Fraps is loaded now.
    1 point
  7. Jason

    Longest Headshot

    I'll box up a trophy and send it your way.
    1 point
  8. kylebees

    DLC on PS3/PS4

    Any idea of when the first DLC is going to be released for the PS4? Can't wait for the new maps!!
    1 point
  9. TigerBurge

    Proud Moments

    Five marksman ribbons in one match today. I was giving Tommy a sniping lesson.
    1 point
  10. J4MES OX4D

    Sledgehammer Games

    Beat you by a minute - saw this just before you posted Damn you Activision!
    1 point
  11. Jason

    Sledgehammer Games

    Not next gen only, next gen first. I snapped a screen shot of the article.
    1 point
  12. http://i.imgur.com/HxugtEV.png
    1 point
  13. jordie1892

    Shia LaBeouf

    'When the seagulls follow the trawler, it is because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea' I figure the media are the seagulls, the trawler is celebrity life and he is a sardine. The media only pays attention and follow the celebrity life in the hope that a celebrity has a breakdown and goes off the rails. I do feel for these celebrities who are always in the spotlight, with the paparazzi following them all the time...
    1 point
  14. Diddums

    Longest Headshot

    393m for me. Gonna try top it. //I love that Pussy Assed Recon stuck
    1 point
  15. Thanks Chris, looking forwards to it.
    1 point
  16. Thanks Tommy, might finally get to game with XBox converts in the near future
    1 point
  17. uberwarrior

    BF4 Complaint Thread

    It might also be worth switching your field upgrade to "mechanic" for the Engie class. It makes your repairs quicker. That's what I've just done anyway. I might be on later tonight, but got to go to Holland tomorrow and not back until late Weds night so not sure when I'll get back on after that.
    1 point
  18. I had something similar but on dawn breaker in the underground tunnels. Double knife triple pistol kills .
    1 point
  19. True, but that returns back the main thing I was saying Doc, It is all about what you want (and by " you" I simply mean each individual person that has to answer the question for themselves". I can only answer the question for myself. I find my income that I truly need to lead the life I want is becoming less and less each year, mainly because as I get older I find the things that bring me the most happiness are not really things that cost all that much money. I do not have a wife and kids so I do not have those things which I have to support, so I am able to get by with less than those that do have people that rely on them for income. I only have to support myself, but that's the way I like it. I use to be engaged and had a 3 bedroom home and three cars and all that stuff that goes along with it (I also worked 50hr per week and was stressed and tired all the time and spent very little time doing things I enjoyed) and when I lost it all I felt like it was the worst thing that could have happened. Then I started to realize that I was simply buying into what I was told I needed to make me happy. Because truth be told these last 10-11 years that I am not tied down by those things have been the happiest I have been in many many years. And yet I find myself not requiring all the expensive stuff I use to feel I needed. Point is everyone is different in what they desire, as well as require to be happy. I've been finding my happiness in spending time outdoors, fishing, and simple things that I use to take for granted. Obviously even those things as well as having "any" roof over my head require some form of money, but I have found that I can still make a living doing things I enjoy (my custom rod business and now aquarium backgrounds) for people where I do it when I want without having to work all the time, make enough money to pay whatever biil's and then have time to take off on a fishing trip for however long or go somewhere and enjoy myself for X amount of time. I'm sure some of you remember the pictures of my 69 GTO I've worked on for the past 12 yrs, I've actually just recently decided to put it up for sale this spring. Mainly because I just find myself content these days to have my little corner of the world with the man cave/shop, enough stuff to enjoy what really makes me happy (outdoors/fishing/aquariums) and stuff outside of that I'm not all that interested in at this point in my life. So things like the GTO I plan to sell to be able to use that as income to continue with the other things I enjoy as well as a cushion on monthly bills. Who knows some day I may do the family thing down the road, but for the time being I have been moving deeper and deeper into this sort of life where I don't value the things that most the people in society today day to the extent that they do, and I am liking it this way. It doesn't work for everybody though and I don't expect it too. You do have to give up certain things, but as long as what I give up does not outweigh what I enjoy, that's how I feel I am balanced well. Basically what I am saying is that there is no right or wrong answer to the question. There's many paths to happiness. Some paths require more money, some less, I simply am finding mine is taking less money and less materials objects than it use to as I move further in my life is all.
    1 point
  20. well man it was nice watching the episode with you, let's comment more "live" next week
    1 point
  21. I hope Rick smacks the fuck out of Carl in a min.
    1 point
  22. no way I'm missing this, best cold opening ever on walking dead right there.
    1 point
  23. Dr Diamond

    Proud Moments

    Langcan dam c flag building (one with medical scanners) teamdeath match, running support with shotgun to do some of the challenges. Enter from stairs, dude running towards me . BOOM. Rechamber.dude behind him. BOOM Rechamber.dude behind him BOOM. Conveyer belt ends. Dorito still near me. Look up, recon staring back at me.BOOM. squad wipe Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  24. My friends's response on the media:
    1 point
  25. Zelda: Ocarina of Time Perfect Dark Goldeneye http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLKiB7I3vb0
    1 point
  26. Just Cal


    Not gonna be for a long time man. TS soon enough though
    1 point
  27. Outlast £7.49
    1 point
  28. I ain't going nowhere!!
    1 point
  29. Mike...I wanted to bump this post back up. Because I wanted to tell you.... after you posting this, I have actually been so into finding / listening / reading Alan Watts stuff. I've been watching all his lectures online over the past few months, and I actually asked for / got his book "The Way of Zen" for Christmas and just finished reading it last week. His teachings just seem so inline with how I have always tried to live my life, and his books help to take the belief even further. So just wanted to tell you, thank you for posting this, it's really had an impact on me since you did. And I really mean that. Not sure if you have seen this one, but this is another one I found after you posted that really was just amazing to me (the last 2 mins are the most beautiful thoughts to me)
    1 point
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