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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/13/2014 in all areas

  1. I apologize now to Brede and anyone else that is here bashing this game. GET THE FUCK OVER IT!!! If you don't like, stop fucking playing it. Trade it in and get something else. The game has been out for well over 2 months now and you are still complaining about the same fucking things/ It's getting real old. I play this game and quite frankly, I'm having a blast playing it. Are there issues? Certainly but there have been issues with every COD, YES, every COD. Get over it. One thing that I have learned as I continue to enjoy playing this series, is that there is a learning curve for each game. Quite honestly, with all the bullshit that is in the game (spawns, IEDs, maps too large, re-skinned map, etc, etc etc) this is by far the easiest CoD to date. Fuck Campers, quick scopers and all the fucking douche bags that play this game. If you get in a lobby and you get destroyed by a bunch of campers, find a new lobby. Don't stay and aggravate yourself. Better yet turn the game off. So once again, I apologize but I'm just tired of reading all the bitching and moaning. By the way, you run into bullshit no matter what game you play. It's just the nature of gaming. Funny how you never hear the pros bitching about this stuff. And if they have I'll shut the fuck up.
    9 points
  2. I think Jonny has nailed this, I look forward to the next CoD for a few months, knowing it will keep me occupied for months, and then getting a disappointing release like this one is a big let down. Since moving to BF4 I've noticed the ambition in that franchise, as opposed to the lack of ambition in CoD. I never played MW1 but I imagine it was ground breaking, and MW2 went further. Since then it's been variations in the same theme. I loved BO2 cos I liked the challenges, thought pick 10 was a great create a class system, liked most of the maps, and liked the variety of game modes. They did a great job of getting the variables right, but its in no way ground breaking. The variables dont work for me in Ghosts. And then comparing it to BF4 where they are stretching the boundaries. I'll give you an example, ghosts has clan wars on the apps, actually a decent idea and pretty well executed. In BF4 there's an app that lets you join a PS4 battle, but on your iPad and be the commander, directly influencing events. Ok it's a minor part of the experience, like clan wars, but it's so much more ambitious. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
    4 points
  3. I wish it was a simple as saying "oh this game pisses me off I'll take I'll get rid of it"... Since mw2 was released I was hooked on COD, it fast became my main hobby and a big part in my life, and I so want to enjoy it so much that I'm willing to try and try and try again... Every time I go on I think maybee it will be better? It may be strange to some of you that I would put myself through so much stress over a videogame, but it's that desire to get back to the glory days I once enjoyed. That is why I can't just get rid of the game...
    4 points
  4. I don't mind complaining in one thread. But when you spread it to each thread about the game, that's when I get annoyed. We know you (general) don't like the game, so keep the pointless remarks out of them.
    4 points
  5. Woohoo another great addition to the PS4 family!
    4 points
  6. New remote control with big buttons?
    4 points
  7. and at the same time I offered a possible solution to the issues. For example, they should delay the IED timer. Complaint + possible balance fix equals constructive conversation.
    3 points
  8. Firstly this is the complaint/rant thread so if you don't want to see complaints don't read it... Pros do complain about things, half the gun nerfs and buffs in BO2 were because treyarch worked so closely with competitive gamers... It may be pointless ranting and complaining to each other on here, but it makes people feel better, it may not achieve anything at the end of the day but it's good to have a moan... Also personaly I'm British therefor it's common knowlage we like to moan about just about anything...
    3 points
  9. Connected to the psn store after 45 minutes (they must be busy!) and BF4 will finish downloading mp in 83 minutes and Ghosts mp in 4 hours! They're the £9.99 upgrades so at least thats saved me about £60 so I'll have to be patient!
    3 points
  10. Chookes


    Ok it's not the best thread title but I'm tired and I've been asleep for 3 hours. New game. You've been asked to make the next COD, Frankencod. The game is entirely made up of any parts of any previous COD from Modern Warfare to Ghosts. You have to decide on perks to choose from, the perk system, score system, killstreaks, maps, guns and anything else you want to include Go. If this is a shit idea then I don't care because I'm tired and I can't be a genius all the time. Rule change, you can include ideas from other games. Go.
    2 points
  11. I can fully understand what your saying, its the first COD I've raged to the point if turning off and its my main winter hobby, hell I'm even going through the hell of trying to get to grips with bf4 to give me a break, but I found a way to enjoy ghosts, yes there are douches with IED's everywhere but they just become people to hunt, no boosters in ghosts so stick on sitrep and IEDS chuck yours on there's and watch them blow themselves up, leave the little parcels of death in camping spots, run through them with blast shield, then try a new lobby, I'm an average player I'm never going to get a kem I know I could be classed as a douche for stopping to there levels, but when I hear them rage it just puts the smile back on my face, especially if there French The main thing that does disappoint about the game is the lack of reward for objective play, the rest I have to say is possibly down to responding to what the community wanted. I heard a YouTube say the best Cod would be a mix of blops1 and 2 he put forward a decent argument I'd be surprised if we agreed
    2 points
  12. Are you complaining about the people complaining about the people complaining in the complaint thread? My head hurts.
    2 points
  13. I'm not trying to start a war, I'm just tired of hearing the same complaints over and over. And it's not only happening in this "Complaint thread". I, too, offered some solutions to the complainers here, get a new lobby, turn the game off or stop playing. My god, if it's that bad why the hell do you keep going back to it? Yes, I rage a lot in this game but you know what? I don't come here to complain about it. The biggest complaint I have is with IEDs and the solution offered up by spectre was a great idea. But you know what? As much as I get killed by IEDs in this game, it's not enough for me to come here and post about it every time I get on and have a session. This is my point. Joe, deterioration, absolutely hates the game. You know what he did? He stopped playing. Just saying.
    2 points
  14. So after a huge pain in the ass of a download on Friday, and a busy Saturday, I got about 6 hours to play on Sunday. It's not as much as I'd have liked but I feel like I still got a pretty good idea of what the game was like. I spent the vast majority of the time as a Khajiit Nightblade. So after a short intro you are brought into character creation. I loved it. If you're an Altoholic like me (or at least like the character creation process), then you'll be pleased. The races all looked pretty good and there were a huge number of customization options, from the angle of your forehead to the size of your hands. I spent a decent time going through all the options and decided it's among the best character creations I've seen in an MMO (And I've played my fair share). I also took this opportunity to look at the higher level gear and was once again pleased. Each race had high-end gear that reflected their personality whilst being consistent with Elder Scrolls Lore. It should be noted that some of the low level gear (particularly the medium armour) didn't look great, though I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem for long. After character creation you are brought into this weird soul prison. You meet 'The Prophet' who gives you information about why you are there and what you must do. I won't go into details about the story so far but as Sennex said he basically tells you that you're special. The prison is a tutorial level and it was pretty boring. It was dark so didn't show off the graphics and the lack of skills at this point meant combat was pretty boring (I'll go into that later). It takes about 10 minutes to go through the tutorial depending on how much you look for loot, so this could be a bit annoying when starting several new characters. When I finished the tutorial I found myself in a small camp (the starting area for the Khajiit, Bosmer and Altmer races). This was the first time I got to see how beautiful the game really was. I was highly impressed with the looks of the game as a whole and can tell I'll spend a lot of time just exploring the world of Tamriel. Before I would have said that Guild Wars 2 was the best looking MMO I've played, but The Elder Scrolls Online is definitely a new contender. I was approached by a khajiit who set me off on my first chain of quests. The quests in the starting are were also impressive, there was no "Go to Quest Giver, Kill 8 Wild Boars and Wolves for meat, return to Quest Giver, recieve 200 gold". I had an instance where I was running up from the shore when a woman ran to me for help. I had to run through some ruins and free her master from an evil spirit. It seems a lot more inspired in that aspect. Whilst I've made the game sound pretty good so far, I do have one main concern. The combat. It neither had the complexity of other MMO's such as WoW or the fluidity of single player games like Skyrim. I think I had 5 abilities as well as a regular and heavy attack. There was also a limited amount of abilities to unlock, around 6 for the three skill trees as well as a few for armour, weapons and races.I was able to link up some abilities well however. I could use the 2 second stealth, followed up by a heavy damaging backstab with bleed. Then crippling the enemy as they try to escape. The combat was sometimes laggy with an enemy taking a few seconds to fall after I killed it, thus causing confusion as to what exactly was happening. I never tried out PvP which I regret, since I'd like to have seen how multiple classes could link up together. Overall I think the game is more suited for a casual MMO player, with it's strong points being on looks and story rather than the gameplay itself. Whilst I'll be picking it up, with the looks, story and exploration greatly interesting me, the boring combat may mean I'll put it down sooner than expected.
    2 points
  15. Thing I don't understand is that the few people that keep complaining about this game keep saying the same things OVER, and OVER again. We hate lag, we hate campers, we hate things that are explosive we hate snipers we hate stuff. I got the idea 10 pages back, don't see why each of your issues need's to be repeated over and over
    2 points
  16. I'm going to back Bees up but the main reason i am isn't the fact that people are just complaining but it's 15 pages worth of complaining. Whether people want to admit it or not, this is a fucking good game! The issue isn't with the game, it's with the people who play it or your internet, i know that and so does everyone else. It's just a shame that one of the most popular topics on a gaming site is people complaining about one of the best games out at the moment. Anyway i generally stay away from this section purely because i have so much fun playing it and it annoys me that people can only ever find bad things to say, even though there are so many more pros than there are cons. Anyway, that's my 2 cent or 1 pence or 3.38 yen
    2 points
  17. The old mw2 forum had a whole subsection for ranting. Here it is all in one thread only. I don't see much wrong with that.
    2 points
  18. Guess what I've got, biatches - clue: black, angular and very sexy looking (and not Grace Jones)?
    2 points
  19. Shredder would kick all their asses!
    2 points
  20. Trailer up I never thought I'd be so happy to hear the words 'small' and 'medium' come up again. Still not entirely blown away and this may not be enough to persuade me to hop back onto Ghosts but the DLC looks pretty reasonable.
    1 point
  21. No need to stop posting Brede. It's just every post you make seems to be the same thing. That's why I apologized. I don't want to offend anyone here and you're not the only one that complains a lot. Jonny, I'm the same way, with one exception. I look for the good in a game and try to play on that. For instance, Kill Confirmed has been my game mode since it was introduced. However, with Ghosts, I have found a new love for TDM. Hell, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
    1 point
  22. Diddums

    Cloud Storage?

    That's a fair amount of stuff. If you can juggle accounts, click here. It's actually amazing how much free storage you can get online.
    1 point
  23. Probably because complaints are leaving the complaint thread... I've been annoyed to come on here sometimes simply because a lot of the CoD threads I read are bashing the game some how.
    1 point
  24. Since so many of you bastards have PS4s now, one of you should send me your PS3. Seeing as mine has been broken for over a month D: Haha I'm sincerely jealous of all you folk, have fun gaming.
    1 point
  25. Can't wait for this game . It looks amazing and hopefully will play great
    1 point
  26. Snipers are awesome, lol How dare you...
    1 point
  27. Yeah I'm on board with bees. I moaned so much about it so I sold it (numerous times) Now that it's gone for good, I don't get to play with the lads but at least I don't moan anymore. If a game stresses you out (in general, not a specific person) it's not worth playing.
    1 point
  28. Yeah I'm the biggest moaner on here prob .
    1 point
  29. Euan's definitely a moaner.......a biter too
    1 point
  30. I had to google Grace Jones. Now I have to burn my PC.
    1 point
  31. Nice! For reference I won 6/10 and got put in Silver II, my friend won 5/10 and was put in Silver IV
    1 point
  32. TigerBurge

    bf4 tips/help

    No Gary you have to unlock them. Press the options button then go to battle packs and unlock there or you can do it from the My Soldier menus on the main screen
    1 point
  33. Had some good laughs, watched it for free, I wouldn't pay money for it. If you like Jackass you'll probably like this movie.
    1 point
  34. Oh yeah, plenty of good female villians
    1 point
  35. The only problem with IED's is you can't avoid them sometimes (like going prone on bouncing betties) If they would make the delay timer just a little bit longer, you could survive sometimes and that would be just fine for balance.
    1 point
  36. BO7H B4RRELS

    The Division

    That's the one game from the next gen lineup that makes me really want a new console. Will this be out for PC?
    1 point
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