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Warzone Hackers

Dr Diamond

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You know the feeling....

-You've dropped into a fairly quiet area with your boys and girls.

-You've looted fast, got a loadout and enough cash to spare for everyone to get self revive.

-Maybe 2 of you have UAVs

-You've done some recon and scavenger challenges so everyone has an amour vest and 8 armour plates. Maybe even a gas mask or two.

You've spent maybe 20 mins in the game.Your squad has come across one or two players and successfully taken them out. You've got 2 sneaks of the final circle and start making your way there through a very quiet unlooted area. You're all in a building, all running ghost.



A chopper starts to hover over your building...you're all running ghost and none of you have shot at them...but they seem to know you are there. Your teammates start shooting at them out the window and get laser beamed with headshots and go done. You sneak out the back of the building as you havent been seen, but then you go down, shot in the back in a hail of bullets. How the fuck did they know i was leaving the building out that particular entrance ?

And then you check the kill cam.....the other player has their sights up and is tracking you through a solid wall, despite having no visual of you in the building whatsoever. Then their aim follows the back of your head and doesn't miss a single bullet.

Havent had this happen ?

what about the people headglitching and jump shotting you with a KAR98 they picked up off the ground and getting a headshot first go ? Every subsequent headpeak is a perfect headshot. What about someone sniping hitting you with a perfect headshot from 500m and then the kill cam showing them spin around 180 and zooming in on you immediately with nothing to let them know you were there ?

The hacking situation in Warzone is absolutely disgusting. It seems like a solid 1/3 of my games (PC cross play) I am coming across hackers, either dying to them or ending up spectating them in the final circle.

Am i the only one who thinks it is really prevalent or has anyone had any better experiences ?







Chookes said:

I absoloutely prefer it this way. You have overall more control. You can finish one guy off first, or all ten


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I was thinking of playing Warzone the other day especially after they announced 2FA for PC account creation but with a 206gb download and hackers still existing in droves; fuck that. I played Modern Warfare on PC for about 3 months and I don't think I saw a single hacker but a F2P game is always going to invite these wankers. Even console has them and they are even harder to spot and very difficult for the developers to detect because rather than having the core files modded or something hooked to the process, it's stemming from modded controllers where the output rate of the inputs is rigged and even recoil can be eliminated.  

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What I always find funny is that there is a burning desire to get every game crossplay and that it stinks we the consumer can't play with friends...and as soon as you get crossplay in games like this, it is turned off at every opportunity. Ive always been in the camp of crosssave over crossplay unless there is a guarantee that its a level playing field on both sides - something that will never be the case with Console vs PC players.


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Ha ha I think the OP is playing on PC, hence the issues.


Sorry Adam it's all true, PC hackers and scripters are poison and very prevalent, far more than on console.


Mind you, I picked up the PC version myself on a sale the other day😂


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