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Plumbers Crack

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Plumbers Crack last won the day on April 9

Plumbers Crack had the most liked content!



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    Ipswich UK

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  1. Destiny FG Private Matches until

    After speaking to most of you, it sounds like we should try out the Private Matches ahead of the Rise of Iron DLC. Let's see if we can get as many on as we can so we can have loads of good laughs and banter. We may pick up some ghosts along the way.

    If you have any decent game modifiers you want to try, make sure you add them to the Private Matches ideas thread!

    Happy Gaming FG!

  2. Any Raid - Hard until

    Left this one open to any raid the fireteam wants to do. It can be used to even finish off certain checkpoints saved earlier in the week.


    Please make sure you RSVP if you can or can't make it.

  3. Last ever Iron Banner on Destiny 1 until

    It's been confirmed - the last Iron Banner for Destiny 1 will take place on August 1st for that week.


    As its the last one and we've many good laughs and group ups on Iron Banner, it would be great to play some games all of this week as a final send off to it.


    Plus it may be the last time for a while now that we get to have PvP with 6 people in a group. RSVP your name down if you're playing it in this week. I'm sure we can talk about it nearer the time to see whos on which days to get a few groups going.

  4. Raid Night for DaveyDave until

    Let's try again to get 6 people. I'll be back from hols tomorrow night so I can do it. Need 4 more please!

  5. Leviathan Raid until

    The first of many raid sessions to try and support an inexperienced FGer that needs a raid. We'll see what people we can gather and hopefully nail Calus by the end of it :D


    Please be patient and understand if we can't get 6 we'll need to move to the next raid. That will happen for sure on at least one of these raids.


    If we have too many inexperienced people on one raid i'll have to ask for people to move to different dates if thats okay. Until everyone feels comfortable we will need to bring along 1 at a time.


    We'll explain each stage through the night for the person that needs it.


    Bring it on!

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