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Monumental Treyarch Cock-up


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How did this oversight slip through the net!!? Basically you can perform an emote which reverts the character into 3rd person which can give you a huge tactical advantage at any time. This is a bit of a calamity from Treyarch but it has been acknowledged to be patched at least. Not sure how they missed this but it's a pretty embarrassing mistake despite their alleged rigorous testing.  




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Another issue that's crept into the final game form the beta is the 'Return to combat zone' warning timer that pops up when you're even in the white circle. I haven't come across this yet but players are even reporting getting automatically killed despite being comfortably in the safe zone because they can't evade the timer. This will need patching badly also as it essentially punishes players for good positioning. If it's a deliberate implementation to keep players on the move then it's fatally flawed. 

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