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Everything posted by DarkArch3typ3

  1. Does everyone here play? I just picked up the game and I'm back on Ps4. I feel like a total noob. =/ still trying to figure out the getting rushed and flanked mechanic.
  2. I think the annual pass is too much for stuff that I don't get too much enjoyment from. Im a strike grinding kind of guy. Without any new strikes, there's not really much to get me to buy the dlc. If they dropped a couple of strikes than I would have considered it. If you like raids and pvp than this would have made sense to get.
  3. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 100 seconds
  4. Tbh it looks like a tiny dlc. No strikes has me really disappointed. That's my favorite aspect of the game. Jump on to do a few strikes and get off. I haven't bought the season pass yet. I think I'll hold off for a bit.
  5. I love the franchise but hate this game. I think I really wanted it to be fun but it just feels like all I'm trying to do it go pick up garbage, breakdown garbage and store garbage in stash. That's literally all I've done. I always liked fallout due to the idea of wandering the wasteland to find some cool npcs to talk to. I don't like this holotape idea. It feels lazy. I really wanted this to work out. I think they would have been more successful if they announced remastered fallout 3 and new Vegas instead. Add co-op to those games instead of a copy and paste fallout 4 without the story.
  6. I'd have much more fun playing with a bag of sh*te.
  7. I didn't really enjoy it. My experience was beating the first mission in a group to open the free roam. I run into a saloon and get shot. Come back for vengeance. Rinse and repeat. I'll have to try one of the game modes.
  8. Definitely need to change my name. People still call me DarkArchitect.
  9. I have 80 without doing any bounties. I'll have the auto rifle tonight. Never doing iron banner until I hit 590+. It's hard to compete when there is a level difference and I'm not good at crucible already.
  10. I'm enjoying the festivities so far. It sucks as a warlock who only uses exotic helmets though. Rahool screwed me again.
  11. Warlock 554 No aim. Just like to get on and get bounties done. I love running strikes. I enjoy raiding too when I have time. Escalation protocol is a lot of fun with 9 clanmates. Lots of mayhem.
  12. I like this. I'd be more than happy to help fhnd Diddums breast augmentation.
  13. Welcome to FG! I've always wanted to do some YouTube videos but I have a voice and a face that belongs in a coal mine. It's pretty brave to put yourself out there. Glad to have you ok board.
  14. I loved diablo 1. Diablo 3 was good too. Never played Diablo 2 but I hear amazing things.
  15. For this latest appearance, Xur has returned to Nessus. If you've visited him there before, you'll know where to go--he's located in Watcher's Grave. Spawn in at the local landing zone and simply make your way straight toward a giant tree. Walk near the base of it and you'll find a branch you can jump up, and you can make your way to Xur. Crimson (Exotic Hand Cannon) -- 29 Legendary Shards St0mp-EE5 (Exotic Hunter Leg Armor) -- 23 Legendary Shards Khepri's Horn (Exotic Titan Helmet) -- 23 Legendary Shards Verity's Brow (Exotic Warlock Helmet) -- 23 Legendary Shards
  16. I heard if you wish hard enough it will even grant you a ghallajhorn.
  17. Hey there fellow Canadian. Welcome to the clan. We have a few Canadians in the clan. Glad to have more. We're slowly taking over! Add Darkarch3typ3
  18. Bugs. I did the weekly wanted quest but got nothing and it disappeared. Bungie is aware and they're investigating the issue. Bugs in the weekly reset. The weapons, perks and modifiers seem weak still. Maybe because I've played a whole week with on only 1 exotic and haven't had an opportunity to play any other subclass to its full potential. Still using voidwalker with the nazerecs sin helmet to get quicker supers.
  19. I've been doing the commercial insurance broker since January. Not my cup of tea. Used to work an an underwriter for an insurance company. The company is actually from the UK Aviva. I'm going to make the transition to a residential/commercial painter. My buddy has a 1 man company and needs a partner. I definitely hate being stuck behind a desk. It gets bloody boring. I want to work with my hands. I understand marketing and networking. He understands painting. We're going to put our brains together and get this accomplished. Got my first job on Monday. I'm calling in sick at my brokerage lol.
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